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Log Into Proxy Appliance Web Console

In this article

    To log into the web console of Veeam Availability for Nutanix AHV, do the following.

    1. From the list of virtual machines, select the VM for the proxy appliance.
    2. On the main menu of Nutanix Prism web console, click Home and select VM.

    Log Into Proxy Appliance Web Console 

    1. Switch to the Table view.
    2. Click the VM with the image disk of Veeam Availability for Nutanix AHV and click Power on on the toolbar.

    Log Into Proxy Appliance Web Console 

    1. After the VM is powered on, click Launch Console on the toolbar.

    Log Into Proxy Appliance Web Console 

    1. On the VM console, you will see the URL address. Use a web browser to go to the displayed address.

    If the URL address of the web console is not displayed, wait 10 seconds and press ENTER.

    Log Into Proxy Appliance Web Console 

    If your network doesn't have a DHCP server, you must set a static IP address on the VM. To set a static IP address, do the following.

    1. Log in to the VM console (login: veeam; password: veeam).
    2. Open the interface settings with a text editor.

    sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

    1. In the opened file, find the following text.

    auto eth0

    iface eth0 inet dhcp

    Assign a static IP address and specify the netmask and gateway.

    auto eth0

    iface eth0 inet static

    address <IP_address>

    netmask <netmask>

    gateway <gateway>

    1. Save the changes and restart the network and the Veeam service.

    sudo service networking restart

    sudo service VeeamBackupAgent restart

    1. To log in to the appliance web UI, open https://<static_IP_address>:8100 in a web browser.
    1. At the welcome screen, enter default credentials (login: admin; password: admin) to log in to the web UI.

    Log Into Proxy Appliance Web Console 

    Log Into Proxy Appliance Web Console Note:

    Only a single log in session can be active at a time. Another log in will expire the previous session.

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