Step 4. Specify Account and License Settings

At the Setting and Licence step of the wizard, specify the following settings:

  1. In the Settings section, specify the following:
  1. Select Create / Delete policy to allow the customer create and delete backup policies. This option is available only if the Entire organisation (Variable) licence model is selected.
  2. Select Edit / Trigger policy to allow the customer edit backup policies and start backups manually. This option is available only if the Entire organisation (Variable) licence model is selected.
  3. Select Auto Create Backup Policies policy if you want to create backup policies automatically after the customer signs up. This option is available only if the Entire organisation (Variable) licence model is selected.
  4. From the Default currency drop-down list, select the default currency for billing.
  5. From the Storage Region drop-down list, select a region where you want to store backed up data.
  1. In the Licence Model section, specify whether the billing will depend on a number of backed-up users or it will be fixed:
  • Select Entire organisation to activate the Variable license model for the customer. If you select this option, Veeam Data Cloud for Microsoft 365 will include all new users in backups automatically.
  • Select A fixed number of licences and specify the number of licenses to activate the Fixed license model for the customer. If you select this option, Veeam Data Cloud for Microsoft 365 will not include new users in backups.

You can change the license model after the customer has been onboarded. For details, see Editing Customers. For more information on license models, see the License Models section of the Veeam Data Cloud for Microsoft 365 User Guide.

  1. In the Licences section, specify licenses that will be assigned to the customer.

To add a new license, click Add Licence. For details, see Adding License.

  1. Click Create.

Specifying Account Settings