Getting Authorization Tokens

Veeam ONE REST API authorization with Swagger UI involves the following procedures:

  1. Obtain a pair of tokens:
  1. On the Veeam ONE REST API page, expand the Authentication tag and click POST /api/token.
  2. In the expanded method window, click Try it out.
  3. In the username and password fields, specify the user credentials.
  4. Click Execute.

Wait for the response from the server. A successfully completed operation returns the 200 Success response code and an access and a refresh token in the response body.

  1. Save the refresh token locally for further use.

Getting Authorization Tokens 

  1. Validate the access token:
  1. At the top right corner of the page, click Authorize.

The Available authorizations window will open.

  1. In the Value field, provide the access token in the Bearer <access_token> format.
  2. Click Authorize.

Getting Authorization Tokens 

  1. When the access token expires, use the refresh token:
  1. On the Veeam ONE REST API page, expand the Authentication tag and click POST /api/token.
  2. In the expanded method window, click Try it out.
  3. From the grant_type drop-down list, select refresh_token.
  4. In the refresh_token field, insert the refresh token saved locally.
  5. Click Execute.

Wait for the response from the server. A successfully completed operation returns the 200 Success response code and a new pair of tokens in the response body.

Getting Authorization Tokens 

  1. When you finish working with Veeam ONE REST API:
  1. At the top right corner of the page, click Authorize.

The Available authorizations window will open.

  1. Click Logout.