Breaking Changes
Breaking changes cause REST API 1.3-rev0 to function differently and may affect the client code.
Schema Changes Causing Compatibility Issues
The following changes in the REST API schemas were made:
- Added the following required properties to the CloudInfrastructureObjectItemModel/ECloudInfrastructureItemType/CloudInfrastructureObjectPermissionsModel schema:
- useForSpannerSnapshot
- useForSpannerBackup
- useForSpannerRestore
- useForFlrRto
- useForFlrRtoWorker
- Added the isRemoved required property to the SnapshotListModel/SnapshotModel schema.
- StartFLRSpec schema:
- Added the required properties enabledRol, countQueues, keepApplication, serviceAccountId.
- UploadCertificateSpec schema:
- Removed the required attribute from the certificatePassword property.
- PolicySpecV2 and SqlPolicySpecV2 schemas:
- Added the maxLength parameter to the description property.
- DownloadServiceAccountScriptSpec schema:
- Added the required properties useForSpannerSnapshot, useForSpannerBackup, useForSpannerRestore, useForFlrRto, useForFlrRtoWorker.
- HTTP POST /api/v1/sqlInstance/policies request:
- The SqlPolicySpecV2 request body schema replaced by SqlPolicySpecV3 schema.
- HTTP PUT /api/v1/sqlInstance/policies/{policyId} request:
- The SqlPolicySpecV2 request body schema replaced by SqlPolicySpecV3 schema.
- HTTP POST /api/v1/sqlInstance/policies/calculateCost request:
- The SqlPolicySpecV2 request body schema replaced by SqlPolicySpecV3 schema.
- HTTP POST /api/v1/sqlInstance/policies/{policyId}/calculateCost request:
- The SqlPolicySpecV2 request body schema replaced by SqlPolicySpecV3 schema.
- HTTP POST /api/v1/sqlInstance/restorePoints/restoreDatabase request:
- The SqlDatabasesRestoreSpecV2 request body schema replaced by SqlDatabasesRestoreSpecV3 schema.
- HTTP DELETE /api/v1/sqlInstances/projects/{projectId}/{instanceName}/restorePoints request:
- The Backup, AllSnapshots, ArchiveBackup and StandardBackup enum values added to the type request parameter.