Veeam Recovery Orchestrator 7.1 Release Notes

This document provides last-minute information about Veeam Recovery Orchestrator (Orchestrator), including system requirements and relevant information on technical support, documentation, online resources and so on.

The current version of Veeam Recovery Orchestrator is available for download at starting from August 28th, 2024.


The release build of Veeam Recovery Orchestrator is while the embedded Veeam Backup & Replication build is and the embedded Veeam ONE build is Customers already running version of VRO will not be offered to upgrade VRO in the setup wizard, as the .230 build is functionally identical to the latest build except for minor fixes. However customers should use the ISO to upgrade the embedded Veeam Backup & Replication server and the Veeam ONE server.
The name of the .ISO is VeeamDataPlatform_v12.3_20241201.iso

System Requirements

Unless otherwise stated, all 3rd party software must be at the latest update or patch level.


Hardware requirements depend on the size of the managed infrastructure.

Number of Protected Systems*1-15001500-50005000-1000010000-20000+


4-8 vCPUs for the Orchestrator server

4-8 vCPUs for the Microsoft SQL Server

10 vCPUs for the Orchestrator server

10 vCPUs for the Microsoft SQL Server

12 vCPUs for the Orchestrator server

12 vCPUs for the Microsoft SQL Server

>20 vCPUs for the Orchestrator server

>20 vCPUs for the Microsoft SQL Server


12 GB for the Orchestrator server

8 GB for the Microsoft SQL Server

40 GB for the Orchestrator server

40 GB for the Microsoft SQL Server

70 GB for the Orchestrator server

70 GB for the Microsoft SQL Server

>70 GB for the Orchestrator server

>70 GB for the Microsoft SQL Server

SQL Server



Disk IOPS 1000 (minimum)

Disk IOPS 2000 (minimum)

Hard Disk Space

30 GB for product installation and sufficient disk space for the Veeam ONE database (if installed locally). Use the Veeam ONE Database Calculator to size application data.

20 GB for the Microsoft SQL Server. By default, the Microsoft SQL Server database grows as follows:

  • ~1Mb per one Readiness Check Report or Plan Execution Report for a plan that includes 10 machines.
  • ~10Mb per one Readiness Check Report or Plan Execution Report for a plan that includes 100 machines.
  • ~100Mb per one Readiness Check Report or Plan Execution Report for a plan that includes 1000 machines.

Note: It is recommended to use SSD disks for the Microsoft SQL Server.

*The total number of systems protected by replicas and backups (including Veeam agent and VMware vSphere VM backups). Assumes one restore point per system per day.


Only 64-bit versions of the following server operating systems are supported:

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2022
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012

Installation on a machine running Microsoft Windows Server Core or on a Domain Controller is not supported.

Microsoft SQL Server

Local and remote installations of the following versions of Microsoft SQL Server are supported:

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2022
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017 (2017 SP2 Express Edition is included in the setup)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2016
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2014
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012

It is not recommended to use the Express Edition in a production Orchestrator deployment — it should only be used for product evaluation and testing.

Veeam Orchestrator agent

The Veeam Orchestrator Agent is required to trigger orchestration actions on remote Veeam Backup & Replication servers. The remote Veeam Backup & Replication server must be:

  • Running on a Windows Server OS
  • Using Microsoft SQL or PostgreSQL database
  • Version 12.0, 12.1, 12.2 or 12.3

Some new functionality in Orchestrator version 7.1 will not be available until remote servers are upgraded to at least 12.1

Additional software

For inline editing of report templates, Microsoft Word from Microsoft Office 2010 SP2 or later is required.


  • VMware vSphere 6.0, 6.5, 6.7, 7.0, 8.0 (up to vCenter Server 8.0 Update 3)

    The Orchestrator server must be connected to VMware vCenter Servers only. Direct connections to vSphere hosts are not supported.

  • VMware Cloud Director

    Previous versions of Orchestrator did not support orchestration of vCenter Servers that were managed by VMware vCloud Director. In version 7.0, this has been addressed. Although vCloud Director itself cannot be used as a target recovery location, Orchestrator will fully support recovery to the connected vCenter Servers. The version of Veeam Backup & Replication must be 12.1.

Microsoft Azure connected through Veeam Backup & Replication

To orchestrate recovery of Veeam agent or vSphere VM backups to Microsoft Azure, the connected Veeam Backup & Replication servers must have cloud credentials added for a Microsoft Azure compute account.

Storage system

  • HPE 3PAR 3.3.1, 3.3.2 MU1
  • HPE Primera 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5
  • HPE Alletra 9000
  • NetApp ONTAP 9.6, 9.7, 9.8, 9.9, 9.10, 9.11, 9.12, 9.13, 9.14
  • Lenovo DM/DG Series 9.6, 9.7, 9.8, 9.9, 9.10, 9.11, 9.13, 9.14

Required Permissions

The accounts used for installing and using Veeam Recovery Orchestrator must have the following permissions.

AccountRequired Permission

Setup Account

The account used for product installation must be a domain or local account that has the local Administrator permissions on the target machine.

Orchestrator Service Accounts

The accounts used to run Orchestrator services, Veeam Backup & Replication services and Veeam ONE services must have local Administrator permissions on the Orchestrator server. The accounts must also be granted the Log on as a service right. For more information on Windows security policy settings, see Microsoft Docs.

Orchestrator Agent Account

The account used to install and run the Orchestrator agent on a Veeam Backup & Replication server must have the local Administrator, the Veeam Backup Administrator and the database Administrator permissions on the server.

Orchestrator User Accounts

The accounts used to log in to the Orchestrator UI must be granted the Allow log on locally right. For more information on Windows security policy settings, see Microsoft Docs.

vCenter Server Permissions

The account used to connect the vCenter Server to Orchestrator must have administrative permissions. You can either grant the Administrator role to the account or configure more granular permissions. For more information, see Veeam Backup & Replication Required Permissions and Veeam ONE Required Permissions.

To be able to open sessions on the vCenter Server system, the account must also have the Sessions.Validate session privilege on the root vCenter Server. For more information on session privileges, see VMware Docs.

NetApp Storage Permissions

The account used to connect the storage system to Orchestrator must be granted permissions described in section NetApp Data ONTAP Permissions.

Note: Multiple connections to a storage system using different credentials are not supported.

HPE Storage System Permissions

The account used to connect the storage system to Orchestrator must be assigned the Orchestrator must be assigned the Super or Edit role. If the account is assigned the Edit role, both the account and the storage resources that you plan to access must belong to the same domain.

Note: Multiple connections to a storage system using different credentials are not supported.

Microsoft SQL Server

Different sets of Microsoft SQL permissions are required in the following cases:

  • Installation (remote or local): the current account needs the CREATE ANY DATABASE permission on the SQL Server level. After the database is created, this account automatically gets a db_owner role and can perform all operations with the database.
  • Operation: the account used to run Orchestrator, Veeam Backup & Replication and Veeam ONE services requires the following permissions:

    • The db_owner permission and permissions to execute stored procedures for the configuration databases on the Microsoft SQL Server.
    • The db_datareader permissions to read data from the SQL server master database.
    • The public, db_datareader and SQLAgentUserRole permissions to be able to access the data and objects in the MSDB database.

For more information, see Veeam Backup & Replication Required Permissions and Veeam ONE Required Permissions.

Orchestrator Credentials for Application Verification

The account used to run the Verify SharePoint URL step, must be assigned the SharePoint_Shell_Access role and must be a member of the WSS_ADMIN_WPG group on the processed VM. The account used to run the Verify Exchange Mailbox step, must be assigned the ApplicationImpersonation role on the processed VM.

What’s New

Product renamed to Veeam Recovery Orchestrator (VRO)

The product has been renamed throughout the UI and documentation to Veeam Recovery Orchestrator (VRO).

New setup for Veeam Data Platform Premium

Veeam Data Platform Premium is a package of Veeam Backup & Replication, Veeam ONE and Veeam Recovery Orchestrator.

The new setup ISO for Orchestrator reflects this and can be used to deploy any of the three products, if the required license is provided. Starting from version 7.0, Orchestrator is available for purchase in two ways:

  • Included with Veeam Data Platform Premium.
  • As an add-on to Veeam Data Platform Advanced.

Orchestrator will no longer be available as an add-on to Veeam Data Platform Foundation. For details on the licensing updates, see this Veeam KB article.

Note that installation of Orchestrator also co-installs Veeam Backup & Replication and Veeam ONE on the same server and is ideal for evaluation or POC purposes.

YARA rule management (added in v7.1)

YARA rule files can be imported using the Orchestrator UI, allowing the following benefits:

  • Preview of the rule contents in the UI, assisting with version control.
  • Automated distribution of the YARA files to the required Veeam Backup & Replication server when scanning is required as part of plan execution or testing.
  • Control of YARA file availability using Orchestrator scopes, giving granular control of which rules can be used to scan.

New repository types available for use in Azure recovery locations (added in v7.1)

Additional repository types will now be visible in the Orchestrator UI, allowing backups stored there to be recovered to Microsoft Azure in cloud plans:

  • Veeam Data Cloud Vault
  • Amazon S3 and S3-compatible
  • Wasabi

Veeam Threat Center dashboard integration

The Veeam Threat Center dashboard available in Veeam ONE 12.1 and Veeam Backup & Replication 12.1 is integrated into the administration section of the Orchestrator Web UI.

CDP replica plans can now be tested in DataLabs

Recovery plans using CDP replication in VMware vSphere can now be tested in Orchestrator DataLabs.

Custom scripts in cloud plans

PowerShell scripts can be injected as part of the recovery of Windows VMs to Microsoft Azure, using the latest Azure RunCommand.v2 API.

Web UI improvements

  • The new Scopes page shows a simplified grid for easy scope management.
  • The Roles page and accompanying wizards have been reworked for better legibility and usability.
  • The Inventory page has a new method of assigning items to scopes, allowing better visibility.


  • Report retention settings have been added to the configuration section. Retention for Summary reports can be different from Full reports. The default setting for both is 3 years.


Report retention will be applied after upgrade, so if storage of reports older than 3 years is required, the reports must be downloaded from the Orchestrator Web UI before upgrade.

  • Reports, templates and subscriptions pages have been merged into a single page with tabs.
  • Full and Summary report rows are merged into a single row with 2 download options, to optimize use of screen estate.

Known Issues


  • If Veean Enterprise Manager has been installed on the Orchestrator server, then upgrade to VRO 7.1 is not possible. Attempting upgrade will fail with an error and the rollback will remove the product. This issue will be addressed in the next release, scheduled for Q1 2025. Until the next release, the workaround is to first uninstall Enterprise Manager, and then run the VRO upgrade from the VDP ISO.
  • If you try to upgrade Orchestrator to version 7.1 while the existing Orchestrator 7.0 databases are protected with SQL replication, the upgrade process will fail with an error. This is a known issue related to specific aspects of SQL replication.
  • During the upgrade, some warning dialogs with text including “Improved background retention” and “Active CDP Policy” may be displayed. These are warnings related to the embedded Veeam Backup & Replication server and may appear if that server has been used for general backup and replication tasks. For full details of the actions to take upon any warning messages, see the Veeam Backup & Replication User Guide, section Upgrading to Veeam Backup & Replication 12.


  • SQL authentication credentials provided during Orchestrator server installation cannot be changed. If the password for the SQL account is changed, Orchestrator will be unable to connect to the database. To work around the issue, it is recommended to use Windows Authentication to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server. Alternatively, Veeam Customer Support can help you resolve the issue.

Recovery locations

  • When Orchestrator restores VMs to a VMware vSphere recovery location that has Instant VM Recovery enabled, VMs are added to the root VM folder. If VMs should be contained in any other VM folder, they must be moved there manually.

Recovery plans

  • If a plan includes in-guest scripts and the source machine is still online, you may see the following error when executing the script step: “RPC error: There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper”. This is caused by the Veeam Backup & Replication server attempting to deliver the script to the source machine. The expectation during a recovery plan execution is that the source machine is not available. Note if this error occurs during plan testing, it is a sign that the DataLab configuration is not correct.

Storage failover

  • Under certain circumstances, a plan may be halted after one or more Register VM steps have started but not completed, causing orphaned VMs to be created in the recovery location. These VMs should be removed manually. The issue will be addressed in a future update.

Technical Documentation References

If you have any questions about Veeam Recovery Orchestrator, you may use the following resources:

Technical Support

Veeam offers email and phone technical support for customers on maintenance and during the official evaluation period. For a better experience, please provide the following when contacting Veeam Customer Support:

  • Version information for the product and its components
  • Error message and/or accurate description of the problem you are having
  • Log files


The required log files can be easily downloaded from the Orchestrator Web UI. For more information, see the Veeam Recovery Orchestrator User Guide Appendix B.

To submit your support ticket or obtain additional information, please visit the Veeam Customer Support Portal. Before contacting Veeam Customer Support, consider searching for a resolution on Veeam R&D Forums.

Contacting Veeam Software

At Veeam Software, we pay close attention to comments from our customers — we make it our mission to listen to your input, and to build our products with your suggestions in mind. We encourage all customers to join Veeam R&D Forums and share their feedback directly with the R&D team.

Should you have a technical or licensing issue or question, please feel free to contact our Customer Support organization directly. We have qualified technical and customer support staff available 24/7 who will help you with any inquiry that you may have.

Customer Support

For the most up-to-date information about our support practices, business hours and contact details, please visit the Veeam Customer Support Portal.

Company Contacts

For the most up-to-date information about company contacts and office locations, please visit the Veeam Contacts Webpage.

Document updated 3/06/2025

Document content applies to build