
Make sure the user accounts that you plan to use have permissions described in the following sections.

Installing and Using Veeam Backup & Replication

The accounts used for installing and using Veeam Backup & Replication must have the following permissions.


Required Permission

Setup Account

The account used for product installation must have the local Administrator permissions on the target machine.

Veeam Backup & Replication Console Permissions

When you open the Veeam Backup & Replication console for the first time or after a cumulative patch is installed on the backup server, you must run the console under an account with the local Administrator permissions on the machine where the console is installed. In other cases, you can run it under an account that is a member of the Users group on the machine where the console is installed. However, you may require additional permissions to recover guest OS files of Microsoft Windows VMs.

[For recovery of Microsoft Windows VM guest OS files] If you plan to save files to a new location, the user who launched the Veeam Backup & Replication console does not have permissions to read and write data to the new location, and the mount point is located on the same machine as the Veeam Backup & Replication console, check that the user has the SeBackupPrivilege and SeRestorePrivilege. For more information on where mount points are created, see Mount Points and Restore Scenarios.

Accounts that are members of the Protected Users Active Directory group cannot be used to access the backup server remotely over the Veeam Backup & Replication console. For more information, see Microsoft Docs.

Veeam Backup & Replication Services

The account used to run the Veeam Backup & Replication Services must be the LocalSystem account or must have local Administrator permissions on the backup server.

These privileges are required because the services need access to the Veeam registry configuration, which is available only to privileged users. Some services also perform disk management operations, open ports in firewalls and perform other operations that require a high permission level.

Microsoft SQL Server
(where the configuration database is stored)

You require different sets of Microsoft SQL permissions in the following cases:

  • Installation (remote or local): current account needs CREATE ANY DATABASE permission on the SQL server level. After database creation this account automatically gets a db_owner role and can perform all operations with the database. If the current account does not have this permission, a Database Administrator may create an empty database in advance and grant the db_owner role to the account that will be used for installing Veeam Backup & Replication.
  • Upgrade: current account should have sufficient permissions for that database. To grant these permissions through role assignment, it is recommended that you use the account with db_owner role.
  • Operation: the account used to run Veeam Backup Service requires db_datareader and db_datawriter roles as well as permissions to execute stored procedures for the configuration database on the Microsoft SQL Server. Alternatively, you can assign db_owner role for this database to the service account.

For more information, see Microsoft Docs.


The account used for installation, upgrade and operation requires superuser role.

Using Virtualization Servers and Hosts

The following permissions and roles are required to work with virtualization servers and hosts during data protection tasks.


Required Permission or Role

Source/Target VMware vSphere Host

Root permissions on the ESXi host. When adding the credentials, use the MACHINE\USER format for local accounts or DOMAIN\USER format for domain accounts.

If the vCenter Server is added to the backup infrastructure, an account that has administrative permissions is required.
You can either grant the Administrator role to the account or configure granular vCenter Server permissions for certain Veeam Backup & Replication operations in the VMware vSphere environment. For more information, see the Permissions Reference.

VMware Cloud Director Server

The account that you specify when adding a server must have system administrator privileges on VMware Cloud Director. You cannot use the organization administrator account to add the Cloud Director server.

Source / Target Hyper-V host or cluster

Administrator permissions.


Any SCVMM user.

Windows Server
added to the backup infrastructure

The user account that you use to add a Microsoft Windows server must be in the local administrators group (on the server being added). When adding the credentials, use the MACHINE\USER format for local accounts or DOMAIN\USER format for domain accounts.

Linux Server
added to the backup infrastructure

Permissions for the account that you specify when adding a Linux server differ depending on the role that you plan to assign to this server:

  • Roles for which Veeam Data Movers must be persistent (backup proxy, hardened repository) require root or equivalent permissions. For the full list of roles, see Veeam Data Movers.
  • Gateway server that communicates with NFS share requires root or equivalent permissions.
  • Backup repository requires read and write permissions on the folder where backups will be stored. You will configure this folder at the Configure Backup Repository Settings step of the backup repository wizard.
  • Other roles require read and write permissions on files and folders with which the server will work.

SMB Backup Repository

Read and write permission on the target folder and share.

Dell Data Domain Deduplicating Storage Appliance

DD Boost User. To specify the DD Boost User account settings, in Data Domain System Manager, open the Data Management > DD Boost Settings tab.

HPE StoreOnce Deduplicating Storage Appliance

Permissions on a Catalyst store where backup data will be kept. To check the client account permissions, in the HPE StoreOnce management console, select the Catalyst store and open the Permissions tab for it.

Performing Guest Processing

To use guest OS processing (application-aware processing, pre-freeze and post-thaw scripts, transaction log processing, guest file indexing and file exclusions), make sure to configure your accounts according to the requirements listed in this section. For more information on guest processing, see Guest Processing.

All user accounts used for guest processing of Windows VMs must have the following permissions:

  • Logon as a batch job granted
  • Deny logon as a batch job not set

Group Managed Service Accounts (gMSAs) must also have the following permissions:

  • Logon as a service granted.
  • Deny logon as a service not set.

Other permissions depend on applications that you back up. You can find permissions for backup operations in the following table. For restore operation permissions, see Permissions sections in the Veeam Explorers User Guide.


Required Permission

Microsoft SQL Server

To back up Microsoft SQL Server data, the user whose account you plan to use must be:

  • Local Administrator on the target VM.
  • System administrator (has the Sysadmin role) on the target Microsoft SQL Server.

If you need to provide minimal permissions, the account must be assigned the following roles and permissions:

  • SQL Server instance-level role: public and dbcreator.
  • Database-level roles and roles for the model system database: db_backupoperator, db_denydatareader, public;
    for the master system database — db_backupoperator, db_datareader, public;
    for the msdb system database — db_backupoperator, db_datareader, public, db_datawriter.
  • Securables: view any definition, view server state, connect SQL.

Microsoft Active Directory

To back up Microsoft Active Directory data, the account must be a member of the built-in Administrators group.

Microsoft Exchange

To back up Microsoft Exchange data, the account must have the local Administrator permissions on the machine where Microsoft Exchange is installed.


The account specified at the Guest Processing step must be configured in the following way:

  • For a Windows-based VM, the account must be a member of both the Local Administrator group and the ORA_DBA group (if OS authentication is used). In addition, if ASM is used, then such an account must be a member of the ORA_ASMADMIN group (for Oracle 12 and higher).
  • For a Linux-based VM, the account must be a Linux user elevated to root. The account must have the home directory created.

To back up Oracle databases, you can specify the following options at the Oracle tab:

  • Oracle account with SYSDBA privileges.

You can use, for example, the SYS Oracle account or any other Oracle account that has been granted SYSDBA privileges.

  • Account specified for guest processing. That is, the Use guest credentials option selected.

In this case, the account that was specified at the Guest Processing step must be a member of the ORA_DBA group for a Windows-based VM and OSASM, OSDBA and OINSTALL groups for a Linux-based VM.

To perform guest processing for Oracle databases on Linux servers, make sure that the /tmp directory is mounted with the exec option. Otherwise, you will get an error with the permission denial.

Microsoft SharePoint

To back up a Microsoft SharePoint Server, the account must have the Farm Administrator role.

To back up Microsoft SQL databases of the Microsoft SharePoint Server, the account must have permissions required for Microsoft SQL Server backup operations.


The account specified at the Guest Processing step must be a Linux user elevated to root. The account must have the home directory created.

For the directory specified as the temporary location for archive logs, the following permissions must be granted:

  • The user running the PostgreSQL instance must have read, write, and execute (rwx) permissions.
  • The user selected in the backup job settings must have read and execute (rx) permissions.

For more information, see PostgreSQL WAL Files Settings.

To back up PostgreSQL instances, the account must have the superuser privileges for the PostgreSQL instance. For more information, see PostgreSQL documentation.

Note: If you back up data using vSphere API, the account specified at the Guest Processing step must be a root Linux user.

Consider the following general requirements when choosing a user account:

  • [For guest OS file indexing] For Windows-based workloads, choose an account that has administrator privileges. For Linux-based workloads, choose an account of a root user or user elevated to root.
  • To use networkless guest processing over VMware VIX/vSphere Web Services, you must specify one of the following accounts at the Guest Processing step of the backup wizard. Check that the account also has permissions listed in the table.
  • If Windows User Account Control (UAC) is enabled, specify Local Administrator (MACHINE\Administrator) or Domain Administrator (DOMAIN\Administrator) account.
  • If UAC is disabled, specify an account that is a member of the built-in Administrators group.
  • For Linux-based VMs, specify a root account.
  • [For networkless guest processing over VMware VIX] To be able to perform more than 1000 guest processing operations, the user that you specify for guest processing must be logged into the VM at least once.
  • [If you plan to use guest processing over network for workloads without listed applications] For Windows-based workloads, choose an account that has administrator privileges. For Linux-based workloads, choose an account of a root user or user elevated to root.
  • When using Active Directory accounts, make sure to provide an account in the DOMAIN\Username format.
  • When using local user accounts, make sure to provide an account in the Username or HOST\Username format.
  • To process a Domain Controller server, make sure that you are using an account that is a member of the DOMAIN\Administrators group.
  • To back up a Read-Only Domain controller, a delegated RODC administrator account is sufficient. For more information, see Microsoft Docs.

Restoring to Amazon EC2

To restore workloads to Amazon EC2, it is recommended that the IAM user whose credentials you plan to use to connect to AWS has administrative permissions — access to all AWS actions and resources.

If you do not want to provide full access to AWS, you can grant to the IAM user a minimal set of permissions that will be sufficient for restore. For more information, see AWS IAM User Permissions.

Adding Microsoft Azure Compute Accounts

Microsoft Azure Compute account is required to restore workloads to Microsoft Azure, add Azure archive storage and so on. For more information, see Microsoft Azure Compute Accounts.

The following permissions are required for adding a Microsoft Azure Compute account.

Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory) Application


(select the Create a new account option at the Subscription step of the wizard)

The Microsoft Entra ID user account where the application will be created must have the following privileges:

  • To register applications. For this, you can assign the Global Administrator privileges to the user or enable the Users can register applications option for the user in Azure portal. For details, see Microsoft Azure Docs.
  • To assign a role on the subscription level for the registered application. For this, you can use the Owner* role or if the Owner role cannot be used, you can create a custom role with minimal permissions. To learn how to create a custom role, see Creating Custom Role for Azure and Azure Stack Hub Accounts.

* - When you assign a privileged role, like Owner, using the Azure Portal, the default conditions can be added to this role assignment. With these default conditions, adding the Compute account will fail. To avoid this issue, select the Allow user to assign all roles (highly privileged) option. For more information on conditions, see Microsoft Docs.

(select the Use the existing account option at the Subscription step of the wizard)

The application must have the Contributor role privilege for the selected subscription. If you restore workloads to Microsoft Azure Stack Hub and cannot use the Contributor role, you can create a custom role with minimal permissions. To learn how to create a custom role, see Creating Custom Role for Azure and Azure Stack Hub Accounts.

Adding Microsoft Azure Stack Hub Compute Accounts

A Microsoft Azure Stack Hub Compute account is required to restore workloads to Microsoft Azure Stack Hub. For more information, see Microsoft Azure Stack Hub Compute Accounts.

The following permissions are required to add a Microsoft Azure Stack Hub Compute account.

Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory) Application


(select the Create a new account option at the Subscription step of the wizard)

The Microsoft Entra ID user account where the application will be created must have the following privileges:

  • To register applications. For this, you can assign the Global Administrator privileges to the user or enable the Users can register applications option for the user in Azure portal. For details, see Microsoft Azure Docs.
  • To assign a role on the subscription level for the registered application. For this, you can use the Owner* role or if the Owner role cannot be used, you can create a custom role with minimal permissions. To learn how to create a custom role, see Creating Custom Role for Azure and Azure Stack Hub Accounts.

* - When you assign a privileged role, like Owner, using the Azure Portal, the default conditions can be added to this role assignment. With these default conditions, adding the Compute account will fail. To avoid this issue, select the Allow user to assign all roles (highly privileged) option. For more information on conditions, see Microsoft Docs.

(select the Use the existing account option at the Subscription step of the wizard)

The application must have the Contributor role privilege for the selected subscription. If you restore workloads to Microsoft Azure Stack Hub and cannot use the Contributor role, you can create a custom role with minimal permissions. To learn how to create a custom role, see Creating Custom Role for Azure and Azure Stack Hub Accounts.

Adding Microsoft Azure Storage Accounts (Entra ID)

Microsoft Azure storage account with Microsoft Entra ID authorization is required to add Azure Blob storage, Azure archive storage, and so on. For more information, see Microsoft Azure Storage Accounts (Entra ID).

The following permissions are required to existing Microsoft Azure storage account with Microsoft Entra ID authorization:

  • If you use a new Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory) application (select the Create a new account option at the Subscription step of the wizard) when adding a Microsoft Azure Stack Hub Compute account, the Microsoft Entra ID user account where the Microsoft Entra ID application will be created must have the following privileges:
  1. To register applications. For this, you can assign the Global Administrator privileges to the user or enable the Users can register applications option for the user in Azure portal. For details, see Microsoft Azure Docs.
  1. To assign a role on the subscription level for the registered application. For this, you can use the Owner role or if the Owner role cannot be used, you can create a custom role with minimal permissions. To learn how to create a custom role, see Creating Custom Role for Azure and Azure Stack Hub Accounts.
  • If you use an existing Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory) application (select the Use the existing account option at the Account Type step of the wizard), the application must have the following role privileges for the selected storage account:
  • Storage Account Contributor
  • Storage Blob Data Contributor
  • Storage Blob Data Owner

For more information, see Microsoft Docs.

Using Object Storage Repositories

General Amazon S3 and S3 Compatible Object Storage Permissions

Consider the following:

Permissions for Amazon S3 or S3 compatible object storage depend on whether you use immutability and helper appliance settings.


Consider the following:

  • S3 compatible object storage repositories use the same permissions as Amazon S3 object storage with the following exception: since you cannot setup helper appliance in the cloud, you do not need permissions for it. Therefore, S3 compatible object storage repositories require permissions which start with s3, for example, "s3:ListBucket". Permissions that start with ec2 can be skipped, for example, "ec2:DescribeInstances".
  • To deploy S3 compatible object storage in multiple bucket mode, you must add the s3:CreateBucket and s3:DeleteBucket permissions to the list of permissions that you are going to use.

Permissions1. Immutability Disabled and Helper Appliance not Used

Permissions2. Immutability Disabled and New Helper Appliance Configured

Permissions3. Immutability Disabled and Helper Appliance Configured Beforehand

Permissions4. Immutability Enabled and Helper Appliance not Used

Permissions5. Immutability Enabled and New Helper Appliance Configured

Permissions6. Immutability Enabled and Helper Appliance Configured Beforehand

For more information on permissions, see AWS Documentation.

Amazon S3 Glacier and S3 Compatible with Data Archiving Object Storage Permissions

Permissions for Amazon S3 Glacier and S3 Compatible with data archiving depend on whether you use immutability and the archiver appliance settings:

Permissions1. Immutability Disabled and Archiver Appliance not Configured

Permissions2. Immutability Disabled and Archiver Appliance Configured Beforehand

Permissions3. Immutability Enabled and Archiver Appliance not Configured

Permissions4. Immutability Enabled and Archiver Appliance Configured Beforehand

Read-Only Permissions for Amazon S3 and S3 Compatible Object Storage

The following permissions are required to connect to Amazon S3 or S3 compatible object storage from the second backup server in case you need to perform data recovery options.

Permissions1. Immutability Enabled

Permissions2. Immutability Disabled

S3 Batch Retrieval Permissions for Amazon S3 Glacier

The following permissions are required to perform standard accelerated retrieval that uses S3 Batch Operations:









Permissions for Amazon EBS Encryption

If you have EBS encryption enabled in Amazon EC2, these permissions are necessary for a helper appliance to perform a health check of backup files in object storage and run the archiving job. You must grant the following permissions for the default encryption key to an IAM Role using a Key Policy.







Azure Archive Object Storage Permissions

The following permissions are required to use Azure Archive object storage.


 "properties": {



   "assignableScopes": [



   "permissions": [


       "actions": [




























       "notActions": [],

       "dataActions": [],

       "notDataActions": []





Google Cloud Object Storage Permissions

Consider the following:

The following permissions are required to use Google Cloud object storage.









Adding Object Storage as Unstructured Data Source

The following permissions are required for the account that you use to add Amazon S3 and S3 Compatible object storage as unstructured sources.

Permissions1. Permissions for Working with Bucket Objects

Permissions2. Permissions for Restoring Objects and Perform Backup Objects Calls

Permissions3. Permissions for Getting Backup Bucket Properties

Storage Systems Snapshot Integration

NetApp Data ONTAP/Lenovo Thinksystem DM/DG Permissions

The account used to connect to a NetApp ONTAP, IBM N, Fujitsu ETERNUS HX/AX, Lenovo ThinkSystem DM/DG storage system must have permissions described in this section. The commands are provided for the console, UI names may differ.


CDOT (VMware Integration)


Access/Query Level







vserver fcp


volume file


lun igroup


vserver iscsi




system node




security login










volume qtree




vserver nfs


volume snapshot






Only as SVM (VMware Integration)


Access/Query Level





lun igroup






security login










volume file


volume qtree


volume snapshot




vserver fcp


vserver iscsi


vserver nfs


CDOT (NAS Backup Integration)


Access/Query Level





security login


volume snapshot




vserver nfs


Only as SVM (NAS Backup Integration)


Access/Query Level









security login








volume snapshot




CDOT (Veeam Agent Integration)


Access/Query Level









system license


system node






volume snapshot




Only as SVM (Veeam Agent Integration)


Access/Query Level









volume snapshot




Universal Storage API Integrated Systems Permissions

The account used to connect to a Universal Storage API integrated system must be assigned a necessary role in the storage system console and have a set of necessary permissions.

For privileges required to integrate the unstructured data backup feature with Dell PowerScale (formerly Isilon), see Integration with Dell PowerScale in the Unstructured Data Backup section.

For storage systems not mentioned above, the account must have Administrator role.

Related Topics

For permissions required for Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager, see Permissions in the Enterprise Manager User Guide.

Page updated 2/13/2025

Page content applies to build