Hardened Repository

To protect your backup files from loss as a result of malware activity or unplanned actions, you can add to your backup infrastructure a hardened repository based on a Linux server. The hardened repository supports the following features:

  • Immutability: when you add a hardened repository, you specify the time period while backup files must be immutable. During this period, backup files stored in this repository cannot be moved, modified or deleted, but can be copied.
  • Single-use credentials: credentials that are used only once to deploy Veeam Data Mover, or transport service, while adding the Linux server to the backup infrastructure. These credentials are not stored in the backup infrastructure. Even if the Veeam Backup & Replication server is compromised, the attacker cannot get the credentials and connect to the hardened repository.


For security reasons, you cannot assign other roles to the hardened repository except for the VMware backup proxy working in the Network mode. For more information, see Hardened Repository as VMware Backup Proxy.

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Page updated 9/12/2024

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