Step 4. Exclude Objects from Backup Copy Job

This option is available only for virtual machines.

To specify which objects you want to exclude from the backup copy job:

  1. At the Objects step of the wizard, click Exclusions.
  2. In the Exclusions window, click Add.

If you have added repositories as sources of restore points, you can exclude individual VMs or backup jobs from processing. To exclude individual VMs, click Add > VMs. To exclude individual jobs, click Add > Jobs.

  1. In the Add Objects window, select objects that you want to exclude.

When you exclude VMs, you can use the Show full hierarchy check box to display the hierarchy of all hosts added to Veeam Backup & Replication.

  1. Click Add.
  2. Click OK.

Step 4. Exclude Objects from Backup Copy Job 

Page updated 3/14/2024

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