Backup and Restore of vApps

Veeam Backup & Replication lets you back up VMware Cloud Director vApps and restore them back to the VMware Cloud Director hierarchy.

In terms of VMware Cloud Director, a vApp is a coherent system that includes one or more VMs. Every vApp is described with a set of operational details — vApp metadata. vApp metadata contains the following information:

  • vApp owner settings
  • Access rights settings
  • vApp network settings: information about organization networks to which the vApp is connected
  • Lease settings and so on

When Veeam Backup & Replication performs backup of a vApp, it backs up all VMs being a part of this vApp along with the vApp metadata. Backup of the vApp is performed with the VMware Cloud Director backup job. The VMware Cloud Director backup job may contain one or several vApps. If necessary, you can exclude specific VMs and VM disks from the backup when configuring a VMware Cloud Director backup job.

After Veeam Backup & Replication creates backups, you can scan backup data using different malware detection methods. For more information, see Malware Detection.

Veeam Backup & Replication also offers the following restore options for backed-up vApps:


Veeam Backup & Replication shows restore points of a VM that is no longer processed, for example excluded from the job or deleted, as long as incremental backup files with this VM exist in the active backup chain. After Veeam Backup & Replication deletes the files according to the retention policy, it also hides the VM restore points from the list of restore points created by this backup job. Although the full backup file with the VM may still exist, restore from this file into the VMware Cloud Director is not supported.

Page updated 11/21/2023

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