Veeam Installer Service

The Veeam Installer Service is a Windows or Linux service that manages Veeam components and services in the following cases:

  • When you add, update or remove a physical or virtual machine as a managed server in the Veeam Backup & Replication console. Depending on the role selected for the server, the Veeam Installer Service deploys, updates, and removes required services such as the Veeam Data Mover Service, the Veeam Mount Service, and so on.

For hardened repository, the Veeam Installer Service deploys the Veeam Data Mover Service and Veeam Immutability Service. For more information about these services, see How Immutability Works.

  • When you discover protected machines or perform guest processing tasks for them. The Veeam Installer Service deploys, updates, and removes persistent agent components for guest processing tasks. For more information, see Persistent Agent Components.

By default, the service uses port 6160. For more information, see Ports.


The Veeam Installer Service also manages public keys of self-signed TLS certificates generated by Veeam Backup & Replication. These keys verify installation packages to prevent managed servers and protected machines from being compromised. When Veeam Backup & Replication sends request to deploy or update components and services, the Veeam Installer Service validates the public certificate, the checksum and the digital signature of the installation package.

Veeam Installer Service for Windows

The service can be installed in one of the following ways:

  • Automatic installation by Veeam Backup & Replication when you add a Microsoft Windows machine as a managed server in the Veeam Backup & Replication console.
  • Manual installation by running the VeeamInstallerSvc.msi file located at C:\Program Files\Veeam\Backup and Replication\Backup\Packages.
  • Automatic installation by using a logon script.
  • Automatic installation by using domain group policies.
  • Installation by using the standard third-party software distribution tool.

Veeam Installer Service for Linux

The service is installed in the following situations:

  • Automatic installation by Veeam Backup & Replication when you add a Linux machine as a managed server in the Veeam Backup & Replication console.
  • Automatic installation by Veeam Backup & Replication when you create a protection group with Linux machines. For more information, see Protection Groups in the Veeam Agent Management Guide.
  • When you manually install persistent agents components on Linux machines. For more information, see Installing Persistent Agent Components on Linux VMs.

To deploy the Veeam Installer Service on Linux machines, Veeam Backup & Replication uses the SSH connection. After deployment, the Veeam Installer Service will communicate with backup infrastructure components and get updates from the backup server without the SSH connection.

The Veeam Installer Service for Linux (veeamdeploymentsvc) runs the following processes:

  • Deployer — deploys, updates, and removes required services and components. Runs with root permissions.
  • Web listener — listens to port 6160 for new request from Veeam Backup & Replication to deploy or update components and services. Also, validates the public certificate, the checksum and the digital signature of the installation package. By default, runs with root permissions as a child deployer process. For the hardened repository, runs with reduced permissions.
  • Watchdog — monitors deployer and web listener processes and restarts them if required. Runs with root permissions as a child deployer process.

Page updated 3/22/2024

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