CDP for VMware Cloud Director

Continuous data protection (CDP) for VMware Cloud Director is a technology that helps you protect mission-critical vApps and VMs when data loss for seconds or minutes is unacceptable. CDP also provides minimum recovery time objective (RTO) in case a disaster strikes because CDP replicas are in a ready-to-start state.

CDP for VMware Cloud Director utilizes a similar mechanisms as CDP for VMware vSphere VMs. The main difference is that the unit for replication and failover is a vApp, not a VM. For more information on CDP for VMware vSphere VMs, see Continuous Data Protection (CDP).

To protect vApps using CDP for Cloud Director, you first need to configure the infrastructure and then to create a Cloud Director CDP policy. For more information, see Backup Infrastructure for Cloud Director CDP and Creating Cloud Director CDP Policies. To recover vApps to a short-term or long-term restore point, you need to fail over to its replica. For more information, see Failover and Failback for Cloud Director CDP.

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Page updated 8/18/2023

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