Step 5. Select Target Host

This step is available if you recover workloads to a new location or with different settings.

At the Host step of the wizard, specify a target Hyper-V host or a Hyper-V cluster where you want to locate the recovered VMs:

  1. In the VM location list, select the necessary VMs and click Host.
  2. In the Select Server window, select a standalone host or cluster where the selected VM will be registered.
  3. If you have selected a Hyper-V cluster, you can specify the cluster resource settings. Click Resource and select one of the following options in the Cluster Resource Settings window:
  • Register VM as a cluster resource — if you want to assign a cluster role to the recovered VM.
  • Do not register VM as a cluster resource — if you do not want to assign a cluster role to the recovered VM.

Step 5. Select Target Host 

Page updated 1/2/2024

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