Replication for VMware Cloud Director

VMware Cloud Director replication is a technology that allows you to replicate VM containers between production and disaster recovery VMware Cloud Director environments, to the source organization VDC or to another organization VDC added to a different VMware Cloud Director. Using the VMware Cloud Director replication you can replicate the following VM containers:

  • vApps
  • Cloud Director organizations
  • Cloud Director organization VDC
  • VMware Cloud Director instances

The VMware Cloud Director replication technology utilizes the same mechanisms as the VM replica and follows the same recovery scenarios. The main differences from VM replica are the following:

  • The VMware Cloud Director replica target is an organization VDC and it must be set up beforehand in your VMware Cloud Director infrastructure.
  • A minimal unit of a VMware Cloud Director replication is a vApp, you cannot replicate a single VM that is added to a vApp.
  • The VMware Cloud Director replica snapshots are created on the VMs that are added to the target vApp.
  • A single restore point of the VMware Cloud Director replica contains snapshots of all VMs added to a vApp.
  • Veeam Backup & Replication assigns a new CLOUD.UUID to the replicated VMs when a VMware Cloud Director replication job runs.

The VMware Cloud Director replication technology supports functionality similar to normal VM replication: you can create VMware Cloud Director replication jobs, perform failover and failback operations with replicated VM containers and manage these VM containers.

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Page updated 7/18/2024

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