Step 2. Select Virtual Infrastructure Scope

At the Scope step of the wizard, define the scope for logs export. You can export logs for the following objects:

  • Specific jobs on the backup server.
  • Specific objects (VMs, physical machines, CDP clusters, backups, scale-out backup repositories).
  • Specific components in the backup infrastructure.

Select Collect local PostgreSQL instance logs to include PostgreSQL instance logs into the log archive that you may provide to Veeam Customer Support. The logs will contain information about all databases contained on the selected instance.


If you export logs from the Veeam Backup & Replication console, the exported logs will be copied to the machine where the console is installed. The log archive will also contain logs from the console machine.


To select multiple jobs or objects in one bundle, do one of the following:

  • Hold [Ctrl] and click items to add to your selection.
  • Hold [Shift] and select a range of items between the currently selected item and the one you click.


Step 2. Select Virtual Infrastructure Scope 

Page updated 2/19/2025

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