Viewing Job and Job Session Reports

You can generate reports with details about all sessions of a job or a single session only.

Job Report

The job report contains data on all sessions initiated for a specific job, that is, job history. The report shows data for all sessions stored in the configuration database.

To generate a job report:

  1. Open the Home view.
  2. In the inventory pane, select Jobs.
  3. In the working area, select the necessary job and click Report on the ribbon. You can also right-click the job and select Report.

For more information on counters in the report, see Report Counters.


Generated reports are stored in the C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp folder.

Session Report

To generate a report for a single session:

  1. Open the Viewing History Statistics view.
  2. In the inventory pane, select Jobs.
  3. In the working area, select the necessary session and click Report on the ribbon. You can also right-click the necessary session and select Report.

Viewing Job and Job Session Reports

Report Counters

Veeam Backup & Replication displays the following counters in reports:

In the Details section, you can see similar counters for each workload the job processed.


A synthetic full backup that is part of an incremental backup session is synthesized directly on the backup repository. Therefore, the Transferred and Backup size counters do not include data processed during the synthetic backup. They cover only data processed during the incremental run. Besides, the report header for such a backup does not have the (Full) mark as Veeam Backup & Replication considers it incremental. For more information, see the Synthetic Full Backup section.