Veeam Backup & Replication Services
Veeam Backup & Replication uses the following services:
- Veeam AHV Service (VeeamAHVSvc) enables interaction between Veeam Backup & Replication and Nutanix AHV infrastructure.
- Veeam AWS Service (VeeamAWSSvc) enables interaction between Veeam Backup & Replication and AWS infrastructure.
- Veeam Azure Service (VeeamAzureSvc) enables interaction between Veeam Backup & Replication and Microsoft Azure infrastructure.
- Veeam Backup Server RESTful API Service (VeeamBackupRESTSvc) provides access to Veeam Backup & Replication by using the web API. For more information, see the REST API Reference.
- Veeam Backup Service (VeeamBackupSvc) is a Windows service that coordinates all operations performed by Veeam Backup & Replication such as backup, replication, recovery verification and restore tasks. The Veeam Backup Service runs under the LocalSystem account or account that has the local Administrator permissions on the backup server.
- Veeam Backup Update Service (VeeamBackupUpdateSvc) enables the update of backup servers. The service runs locally and does not connect to the internet. It only requires a connection to the configuration database server of the backup server.
- Veeam Backup VSS Integration Service (VeeamFilesysVssSvc) manages Microsoft VSS snapshots used for NAS, file share and Veeam Agent backups.
- Veeam Broker Service (VeeamBrokerSvc) interacts with the virtual infrastructure to collect and cache the virtual infrastructure topology. Jobs and tasks query information about the virtual infrastructure topology from the broker service, which accelerates job and task performance.
- Veeam CDP Coordinator Service (VeeamBackupCdpSvc) communicates with vCenter, assigns continuous data protection (CDP) tasks and manages the infrastructure components involved in CDP. For more information on CDP, see Continuous Data Protection (CDP).
- Veeam CDP Proxy Service (VeeamCdpProxySvc) sends and receives virtual machine data during the backup, replication and restore processes.
- Veeam Cloud Connect Service (VeeamCloudSvc) provides transparent connection to cloud resources over the secure SSL/TLS channel.
- Veeam Data Analyzer Service (VeeamDataAnalyzerSvc) analyzes the malware detection metadata for potential threats.
- Veeam Data Mover Service (VeeamTransportSvc) sends are receives protected data during backup, replication and restore processes.
- Veeam Distribution Service (VeeamDistributionSvc) distributes the Veeam Agent setup packages to the protected computers. For more information, see the Veeam Agent Management Guide.
- Veeam Deployment Service (VeeamMBPDeploymentService) enables installing, updating and configuring Veeam Service Provider Console components.
- Veeam Explorers Recovery Service (VeeamExplorersRecoverySvc) executes the restore workflows on behalf of Veeam Explorers.
- Veeam GCP Service (VeeamGCPSvc) enables interaction between Veeam Backup & Replication and Google Cloud infrastructure.
- Veeam Guest Catalog Service (VeeamCatalogSvc) manages guest OS file system indexing for VMs and replicates system index data files to enable search through guest OS files. Index data is stored in the Veeam Backup Catalog — a folder on the backup server. The Veeam Guest Catalog Service running on the backup server works in conjunction with search components installed on Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager and (optionally) a dedicated Microsoft Search Server.
- Veeam Installer Service (VeeamDeploySvc) installs, updates or removes Veeam services when you add, update or remove backup infrastructure components. For more details, see Veeam Installer Service.
- Veeam Kubernetes Service (VeeamKastenSvc) enables integration between Veeam Backup & Replication and Kubernetes Infrastructure using Veeam Kasten.
- Veeam KVM Service (VeeamRHVSvc) enables interaction between Veeam Backup & Replication and oVirt KVM infrastructure.
- Veeam Management Agent Service (VeeamManagementAgentSvc) collects data from Veeam products discovered on the machine.
- Veeam Mount Service (VeeamMountSvc) mounts backups and replicas for file-level access, browsing the VM guest file system and restoring VM guest OS files and application items to the original location.
- Veeam ONE Agent (VeeamOneAgentSvc) enables remediation actions and communication between Veeam ONE and monitored Veeam Backup & Replication servers.
- Veeam PVE Service (VeeamPVESvc) enables interaction between Veeam Backup & Replication and Proxmox Virtual Environment.
- Veeam vPower NFS Service (VeeamNFSSvc) implements vPower NFS server that enables running virtual machines directly from backup files.
- Veeam Tape Access Service (VeeamTapeSvc) provides access to tape devices connected to this tape server for Veeam Backup & Replication tape jobs.
- Veeam VSS Hardware Provider Service (VeeamVssProviderSvc) extends the Microsoft VSS to enable Veeam Agent backup from storage snapshots.
- Veeam WAN Accelerator Service (VeeamWANSvc) optimizes the network traffic consumption by identifying and caching repeatedly transferred data.