Resource Changes

The following list contains changes to operations and schemas. Note that these changes do not affect REST API v7 functionality.

Operation Changes

The following changes in the REST API operations were made:

  • The HTTP POST /api/v6/protectedItem/fileShares/{fileShareId}/deleteSnapshots request was replaced by the HTTP POST /api/v7/protectedItem/fileShares/deleteSnapshots request.
  • The HTTP POST /api/v6/protectedItem/fileShares/{fileShareId}/deleteManualSnapshots request was replaced by the HTTP POST /api/v7/protectedItem/fileShares/deleteManualSnapshots request.

Schema Changes

The following changes in the REST API schemas were made:

  • CheckLog/CheckResponse schema:
  • Added the CheckResponseRepositoryOwnership optional subschema.
  • AzureAccount schema:
  • Added the applicationCertificateName, azurePermissionsState, azurePermissionsStateCheckTimeUtc and subscriptionIdForWorkerDeployment optional properties.
  • AzureSubscription schema:
  • Added the workerResourceGroupName optional property.
  • ResourceGroup schema:
  • Added the tenantId optional property.
  • MissingSubscriptionPurpose schema:
  • Added the accessStatus optional property.
  • ClientLoginParameters schema:
  • Added the applicationCertificateName optional property.
  • AzureAccountByToken schema:
  • Added the applicationId optional property.
  • AzureResource schema:
  • Added the subscriptionName optional property.
  • CheckedItem schema:
  • Added the id optional property.
  • LicenseInfo schema:
  • Added the cosmosDbInstancesUses optional property.
  • StorageAccount schema:
  • Added the subscriptionId and tenantId optional properties.
  • RepositoryUpdateFromClientWithKeyVault schema:
  • Added the azureAccountId optional property.
  • Repository schema:
  • Added the repositoryOwnership optional property.
  • RestorePointDataRetrievalJobInfo schema:
  • Added the cosmosDbRestorePointId optional property.
  • WorkerNetworkConfiguration/WorkerNetworkConfigurationType schema:
  • Added the tenantId, tenantName, subscriptionId, subscriptionName and resourceGroup optional properties.
  • WorkerNetworkConfigurationFromClient schema:
  • Added the tenantId, subscriptionId and resourceGroup optional properties.
  • ConfigurationBackupStats schema:
  • Added the cosmosDbPolicyCount required property.
  • Added the ConfigurationRestoreProductInformation optional subschema.
  • ConfigurationRestorePoint/ConfigurationRestorePointMetadata schema:
  • Added the cosmosDbPolicyCount required property.
  • FileShare schema:
  • Added the tenantId and subscriptionId optional properties.
  • VnetPolicy schema:
  • Added the name and targetRepositoryId optional properties.
  • UpdatedVnetPolicyFromClient schema:
  • Added the targetRepositoryId optional property.
  • WorkerManagementSuitableAccount schema:
  • Added the WorkerManagementSuitableAccountSubscription required subschema.
  • SystemInfo schema:
  • Removed the premiumServiceBusEnabled optional property.
  • ConfigurationCheckRequest/ConfigurationCheckType schema:
  • Added the RepositoriesOwnership enum value.
  • AzureAccountPurpose schema:
  • Added the CosmosBackup and CosmosRestore enum values.
  • JobSessionType schema:
  • Added the VnetRepositoryImport, VnetPolicyBackupToRepository, CosmosDbConfiguration, CosmosDbRestore, CosmosDbPolicyBackup, CosmosDbPolicyArchive, CosmosDbManualBackup, CosmosDbContinuousRetention, CosmosDbRestorePointDataRetrieval and CosmosDbBackupDeletion enum values.
  • JobSessionFilterType schema:
  • Added the VnetRepositoryImport, VnetPolicyBackupToRepository, CosmosDbConfiguration, CosmosDbRestore, CosmosDbPolicyBackup, CosmosDbPolicyArchive, CosmosDbManualBackup, CosmosDbContinuousRetention, CosmosDbRestorePointDataRetrieval and CosmosDbBackupDeletion enum values.
  • SessionFilterType schema:
  • Added the CosmosDbConfiguration enum value.
  • WorkloadType schema:
  • Added the CosmosDb enum value.
  • ResourceType schema:
  • Added the VirtualNetwork, NetworkSecurityGroup, NoSqlCosmosAccount, MongoDbCosmosAccount, TableCosmosAccount, GremlinCosmosAccount and PostgresCosmosAccount enum values.
  • LicensedResourceType schema:
  • Added the Cosmos DB NoSQL, Cosmos DB MongoDB, Cosmos DB Table, Cosmos DB Apache Gremlin and Cosmos DB PostgreSQL enum values.
  • StorageTier schema:
  • Added the Cold enum value.
  • StorageAccessTier schema:
  • Added the Cold enum value.
  • ResourceProviderType schema:
  • Added the CosmosDb and StorageAccount enum values.
  • PolicyType schema:
  • Added the CosmosDb enum value.
  • VnetBackupDestination schema:
  • Added the None and All enum values.
  • AccountEditValidationResult/AccountEditValidationIssue/AccountEditValidationIssueType schema:
  • Added the PurposeCosmosPolicyDependent enum value.
  • StandardAccountKind schema:
  • Replaced the SqlServer enum value by the Database enum value.