Offset Parameter

The Offset query parameter is used to exclude from a response the first N items of a resource collection.

For example, to return a list of Azure regions starting from the third one in the /regions collection, send the following request:

GET https://<hostname>/api/<version>/cloudInfrastructure/regions?Offset=2

You can combine the Limit and the Offset query parameters to request a particular set of items. Note that the Offset parameter is applied before the Limit parameter, regardless of the parameter position in the request. That is, top results are selected from a collection where a set of items is already excluded.

The Veeam Backup for Microsoft Azure REST API returns resources in the default order based on its own semantics. To filter a collection before excluding results, use the Filter or SearchPattern or one of the filter query parameters. Note that the SearchPattern and filter parameters are applied before the Offset parameter, regardless of their position in the request. That is, a collection is first filtered or sorted, and then the top results are excluded.