Sort Parameter

The sort query parameter is used to sort items in a resource collection to be returned in a response.

The parameter accepts the array data type. To sort a resource collection use the sort query parameter in the following format:

GET https://<FQDN>:<port>/api/<version>/Endpoint?sort=[{"property":"<property>","direction":"<direction>"}]


  • <property> is a resource property name.
  • <direction> is a direction specifier.

The Orchestrator REST API accepts the following direction specifiers:

Direction Specifier



Defines the ascending order of the resource collection representation.


Defines the descending order of the resource collection representation.


  • To sort plans by their state, send the following request:

GET https://uwin2012r2.n.local:9898/api/v7.1/Plans?sort=[{"property":"state","direction":"ASC"}]

  • To sort recovery locations by their type and name, send the following request:

GET https://uwin2012r2.n.local:9898/api/v7.1/RecoveryLocations?sort=[{"property":"type","direction":"ASC"},{"property":"name","direction":"ASC"}]