
The workflow of communication with Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager REST API typically includes the following steps:

  1. The client accesses Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager REST API by its base URL https://<Enterprise-Manager>:9398/api/.
  2. The client creates a new logon session and sends to the server user credentials to authenticate the user who plans to work with Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager REST API.
  3. The server creates a new authentication token for the logon session.
  4. The server returns a resource representation of the logon session to the client:
  • In the header of the logon session representation, the server returns the authorization token — an ID of the created logon session.
  • In the body of the logon session representation, the server returns a list of links for resources with which the client can work.
  1. The client retrieves the authorization token from the server response.
  2. The client retrieves a URL of the necessary resource from the server response and sends the GET HTTP request for the URL to get a representation of this resource. In the header of the request, the client sends the obtained authorization token.
  3. The server returns a resource representation to the client.
  4. The client parses the response and retrieves the information it needs from the received response. Typically, it is a URL of another resource or action the client wants to perform with the resource.
  5. Using the retrieved URL and the necessary HTTP verb, the client composes a new request to the server and so on and so forth.

Enterprise Manager REST API Workflow  


The authorization token issued by Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager should be passed in the header of every request. For details, see the HTTP Authentication section.


Page updated 1/25/2024

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