Getting VEShell Help

Veeam Virtualization Extensions Shell includes console-based help for each cmdlet. To get a cmdlet description, you can use the Windows PowerShell Get-Help cmdlet.

For example, this command shows help for the Get-License cmdlet:

Get-Help Get-License

The command displays cmdlet name, description, syntax, related links and remarks:

Click the image to zoom in

The Get-Help cmdlet can be used with parameters -full, -details and -examples and -online.

For example, this command opens an online help for the Get-License cmdlet:

Get-Help Get-License -online

The online reference version contains the most recent and the most up-to-date information about VEShell cmdlets.

In addition to the cmdlet reference, you can call the help topic on the –VESServer parameter:

Get-Help about_VESServerParameter

Click the image to zoom in

You can see an online version of this topic at About VESServer Parameter.