Adding Veeam ONE Instances
To add a Veeam ONE integration instance, perform the following steps:
- In the main menu, click Settings.
- On the Integrations > Instances tab, search the Veeam ONE REST API (Partner Contribution) integration and click Add instance.
- In the Instance Settings window, specify the following settings:
- Name — Name of the Veeam ONE instance. Select the Fetches incidents setting to start fetching incidents from the instance and display data on the Veeam Incident Dashboard.
- Classifier — Name of the integration incident classifier. By default, Veeam ONE Incidents Classifier is used. If you want to customize the default classifier, find it on the Settings > Objects Setup > Incidents > Classification and Mapping tab, make a copy and edit integration incident types. Then, select the new classifier in the instance settings.
Tip |
You can also create a new classifier for integration incident types. |
- Mapper (Incoming) — Name of the integration mapper for incoming incidents. By default, Veeam ONE Incoming Mapper is used. If you want to customize the default mapper, find it on the Settings > Objects Setup > Incidents > Classification and Mapping tab, make a copy and edit mapping between event attributes and integration incident types. Then, select the new mapper in the instance settings.
- Credentials — Credentials you use to connect to the Veeam ONE REST API. Must have administrator privileges and multi-factor authentication (MFA) disabled.
- Resource URL — URL you use to connect to the Veeam ONE REST API:
- Format — <hostname>:<port>
- Default port number — 1239
- First fetch time — Time period that defines how far back in time incidents will be fetched from the instance for the first time. The default value is 3 days.
- Triggered Alarms Per Request — Maximum number of incidents based on triggered alarms that can be created per fetch. The default value is 200.
- API Request Timeout (Seconds) — Timeout for Veeam ONE REST API requests. The default value is 120.
- Incidents Fetch Interval — Time interval for fetching new incidents from the instance. The default value is 10 minutes.
Note |
Other settings should be specified according to your infrastructure. |
- To check the connection to the Veeam ONE REST API, click Test.
- If the check is successful, click Save & exit. Fetching incidents will start automatically.
Tip |
To view fetch history, select the instance and click the history icon. |