Breaking Changes

Breaking changes cause REST API 1.6-rev0 to function differently and could affect the client code.

Schema Changes Causing Compatibility Issues

The following change in the REST API schema was made:

  • HTTP POST /api/v1/virtualMachines/{vmRestorePointId}/restoreVm request:
  • Added the InstanceProfileSpec subscheme to the VirtualMachineRestoreOptions request body schema.

New Query Parameters

The following new query parameters were added to the HTTP requests:

  • Added the restorePointAwsAccountId query parameter to the following operations:
  • HTTP GET /api/v1/dynamoDb/restorePoints — Get DynamoDB Restore Points.
  • HTTP GET /api/v1/virtualMachines/restorePoints — Get EC2 Restore Points.
  • HTTP GET /api/v1/efs/restorePoints — Get EFS Restore Points.
  • HTTP GET /api/v1/fsx/restorePoints — Get FSx Restore Points.
  • HTTP GET /api/v1/rds/restorePoints — Get RDS Restore Points.
  • HTTP GET /api/v1/redshift/restorePoints — Get Redshift Restore Points.
  • Added the resourceAwsAccountId query parameter to the following operations:
  • HTTP GET /api/v1/dynamoDb — Get Collection of DynamoDB Tables.
  • HTTP GET /api/v1/virtualMachines — Get Collection of EC2 Instances.
  • HTTP GET /api/v1/efs — Get Collection of EFS File Systems.
  • HTTP GET /api/v1/fsx — Get Collection of FSx File Systems.
  • HTTP GET /api/v1/rds — Get Collection of RDS Resources.
  • HTTP GET /api/v1/redshift — Get Collection of Redshift Clusters.