Resource Changes

The topic provides information on operation, parameter and schema changes made in the Veeam Backup for AWS REST API 1.6-rev0.

Operation Changes

The following changes in operations were made:

  • HTTP GET /api/v1/cloudBrowsers/{amazonConnectionId}/rdsSubnetGroups was replaced by the HTTP GET /api/v1/amazonConnections/{amazonConnectionId}/rdsSubnetGroups.
  • HTTP GET /api/v1/cloudBrowsers/{amazonConnectionId}/rdsSecurityGroups was replaced by the HTTP GET /api/v1/amazonConnections/{amazonConnectionId}/rdsSecurityGroups.
  • HTTP GET /api/v1/cloudBrowsers/{amazonConnectionId}/rdsLicense was replaced by the HTTP GET /api/v1/amazonConnections/{amazonConnectionId}/rdsLicense.
  • HTTP GET /api/v1/cloudBrowsers/{amazonConnectionId}/rdsInstanceClasses was replaced by the HTTP GET /api/v1/amazonConnections/{amazonConnectionId}/rdsInstanceClasses.

Schema Changes

The following changes in the REST API schemas were made:

  • HTTP POST /api/v1/vpc/restorePoints/{vpcRestorePointId}/compareWithProduction request:
  • The VpcComparsionWithProduction response body schema replaced by VpcComparisonWithProduction schema.
  • HTTP GET /api/v1/cloudInfrastructure/regions request:
  • Added the EAmazonRegionOptInStatus subscheme to the Region response body schema.
  • HTTP POST /api/v1/virtualMachines/policies request:
  • The EExcludedVolumesItemType response schema replaced by ExcludedVolumesItemType schema.
  • HTTP POST /api/v1/virtualMachines/import request:
  • Added the tags and excludedVolumes optional parameters to the Ec2PolicyExcludedItemsExportModel schema.
  • PolicyExcludedBackupItemsExportModel schema:
  • The volumes property replaced by excludedVolumes schema.
  • VirtualMachine schema:
  • Added the resourceAwsAccountId required property.
  • RdsPolicySpec and RdsPolicyCredentialsSpecialSpec schemes:
  • Added the databaseCredentialsId and rdsId required properties.
  • PolicyVolumesExcludeExportModel schema:
  • Added the excludeSystemVolumes optional property.
  • RdsPolicyBackupSettings schema:
  • Added the credentials optional property.
  • RdsSpecialCredentialsExportModel schema:
  • Added the databaseCredentialsDisplayName and rds required properties.
  • Rds,  Efs and DynamoDb schemes:
  • Added the resourceAwsAccountId required property.
  • RdsCredentialsSpec schema:
  • Added the databaseCredentialsId optional property.
  • UserPolicyType schema:
  • Added the Fsx and Redshift enum values.
  • VmRestorePointsFilters, DynamoDbFilters and RdsFilters schemes:
  • Added the resourceAwsAccountId optional property.
  • VirtualMachine schema:
  • Added the resourceAwsAccountId required property.
  • DynamoDbRestorePointsFilters schema:
  • Added the restorePointAwsAccountId optional property.
  • Region schema:
  • Added the optInStatus required property.
  • RdsPolicyCredentialsSpecialSpec schema:
  • Added the databaseCredentialsId and rdsId required properties.
  • RdsBackupSettingsExportModel schema:
  • Added the defaultCredentials and credentials required properties.
  • RdsSpecialCredentialsExportModel schema:
  • Added the databaseCredentialsDisplayName and rds required properties.
  • DayNumbersInMonth schema:
  • Added the veryScheduledDay enum value.
  • Error schema:
  • Added the orbidToDeleteFsxRestorePoint enum value.
  • ERdsInstanceRestoreValidationProblemType schema:
  • Added the RestorePointIsCorrupted enum value.
  • ExtendedSessionType schema:
  • Added the ManualRedshiftBackup, PolicyRedshiftBackup, RedshiftClusterRestore, ManualFsxBackup, PolicyFsxBackup, PolicyFsxBackupCopy and FsxInstanceRestore enum values.
  • VmRestorePointsSortColumns schema:
  • Added the restorePointAwsAccountIdAsc and restorePointAwsAccountIdDesc enum values.
  • RdsSortColumns schema:
  • Added the resourceAwsAccountIdAsc and resourceAwsAccountIdDesc enum values.
  • RdsRestorePointSortColumns schema:
  • Added the restorePointAwsAccountIdAsc and restorePointAwsAccountIdDesc enum values.
  • LicenseWorkloadTypes schema:
  • Added the DynamoDB, FSx and Redshift enum values.
  • CloudAccountPermission schema:
  • Added the FsxBackup, FsxRestore, RedshiftBackup and RedshiftRestore enum values.
  • RescanType and PolicyType schemes:
  • Added the Fsx and Redshift enum values.
  • EVpcItemType schema:
  • Added the awsAccountIdAsc and awsAccountIdDesc enum values.
  • EfsThroughputMode schema:
  • Added the Unknown and Elastic enum values.
  • EfsSortColumns and DynamoDbSortColumns schemes:
  • Added the resourceAwsAccountIdAsc and resourceAwsAccountIdDesc enum values.
  • VirtualMachinesSortColumns, EfsRestorePointSortColumns and DynamoDbRestorePointSortColumns schemes:
  • Added the restorePointAwsAccountIdAsc and restorePointAwsAccountIdDesc enum values.
  • DeleteSnapshotType schema:
  • Added the Manual enum value.

Response Code Changes

The following changes in response codes of HTTP requests were made:

  • Response code 202 Accepted was replaced by response code 200 OK in the POST /rds/restorePoints/{restorePointId}/validateRestoreBackup request.
  • Response code 202 Accepted was replaced by response code 200 OK in the GET /api/v1/rds/restorePoints/{restorePointId}/databases request.