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Creating Subtenant Account

In this article

    Typically, the procedure of subtenant accounts registration is performed by the tenant on the tenant Veeam backup server.

    Before you add a new subtenant account, check the following prerequisites:

    • You must be connected to the SP whose cloud repository you want to expose to subtenants. When you create a subtenant account, you can allocate storage quota only on those cloud repositories that are provided to your tenant account by the SP.
    • You can allocate only one storage quota per subtenant. To provide a subtenant with multiple quotas on the same or different cloud repositories, you must create different subtenant accounts for the same subtenant.
    • You can create subtenant accounts for standalone tenant accounts and vCloud Director tenant accounts. For a vCloud Director tenant account, a subtenant account is a vCD Organization user account that is not granted with the administrative role in the Organization.

    Creating Subtenant Account Note:

    When you create a subtenant account, remember to save a user name and password for the created account. You must pass this data to your subtenant. When configuring a backup job targeted at the cloud repository, the subtenant must enter the user name and password for the subtenant account to connect to the SP.

    To create a subtenant account:

    1. Open the Subtenant Quotas window in one of the following ways:
    • Open the Backup Infrastructure view, click the Backup Repositories node in the inventory pane, select the cloud repository in the working area and click Manage Subtenants on the ribbon.
    • Open the Backup Infrastructure view, click the Backup Repositories node in the inventory pane, right-click the cloud repository in the working area and select Manage subtenants.
    • Open the Backup Infrastructure view. Click the Service Providers node in the inventory pane, select the service provider in the working area and click Manage Subtenants on the ribbon.
    • Open the Backup Infrastructure view, click the Service Providers node in the inventory pane, right-click the service provider in the working area and select Manage subtenants.
    1. In the Subtenant Quotas window, click Add.
    2. In the Subtenant Quota window, specify settings for the created subtenant account:
    1. [For a subtenant of a standalone tenant account] In the Username field, specify a name for the created subtenant account. The user name must meet the following requirements:
      • The maximum length of the user name is 128 characters. It is recommended that you create short user names to avoid problems with long paths to backup files on the cloud repository.
      • The user name may contain space characters.
      • The user name must not contain the following characters: ,\/:*?\"<>|=;@ as well as Unicode characters.
      • The user name must not end with the period character [.].
    1. [For a subtenant of a vCloud Director tenant account] Click Add next to the Username field and select a vCloud Director Organization user account to which you want to allocate a quota on the cloud repository. The user account must be created in advance by the SP in vCloud Director.
    2. [For a subtenant of a standalone tenant account] In the Password field, provide the password for the subtenant account. You can enter your own password or click the Generate new link at the bottom of the field. In the latter case, Veeam Backup & Replication will generate a safe password. To get a copy the generated password, click the Copy to clipboard link at the bottom of the window.
    3. In the Description field, specify a description for the created subtenant account.
    4. In the User quota section, in the Name field, enter a friendly name for the subtenant quota. The name you enter will be displayed at the subtenant’s side.
    5. In the Repository field, select a cloud repository whose space resources must be allocated to the subtenant.

    Creating Subtenant Account Note:

    You can select the cloud repository if you have opened the Subtenant Quotas window from the Service Providers node. If you have selected the cloud repository in the Backup Repositories node and then opened the Subtenant Quotas window, you can allocate subtenant quota only on this cloud repository.

    1. If you want to limit the amount of storage space that the subtenant can use on the cloud repository, clear the Unlimited check box and specify the necessary subtenant quota in the Quota field.

    When you consider limiting the subtenant quota, remember to allocate the sufficient amount of storage space for the subtenant. The subtenant quota must comprise the amount of disk space used to store a chain of backup files plus additional space required for performing the backup chain transform operation. Generally, to perform the transform operation, Veeam Backup & Replication requires the amount of disk space equal to the size of a full backup file.

    1. If you want the subtenant account to be created in the disabled state, select the Subtenant is disabled check box. In this case, Veeam Backup & Replication will create the subtenant account, but the subtenant will not be able to connect to the SP and create backups on the cloud repository.
    2. [For a subtenant of a standalone tenant account] Click the Copy to clipboard link to copy information about the created subtenant account: user name, password, cloud repository and quota. You must send the copied information to the subtenant so that he or she can use the created subtenant account to configure the backup job targeted at the cloud repository.
    3. Click OK.

    Creating Subtenant Account