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Updating License

In this article

    Veeam Cloud Connect service provider license and rental license support automatic license update. Instead of installing the license file manually after updates to the license, you can instruct Veeam Backup & Replication to communicate with the Veeam licensing server, download the license file from it and install the new license on the Veeam backup server.

    Updating License Important!

    Consider the following:

    • After upgrade to Veeam Backup & Replication 9.5 Update 4, the SP must obtain and install on the SP backup server a new per-instance Veeam Cloud Connect service provider license. To ensure a smooth license update procedure, Veeam Backup & Replication offers to the SP a 90-day grace period after the product is upgraded. During this period, the SP can continue processing tenant workloads with an old per-VM license. If the SP does not install a new license after this period expires, the SP will not be able to process tenant jobs.
    • Enabling license auto update activates Automatic License Usage Reporting. You cannot use license auto update without automatic usage reporting.

    The new license key differs from the previously installed license key in the license expiration date and support expiration date. If you obtain a license for a new (for example, greater) number of instances, the Instances counter in the new license also displays the new number of licensed instances.

    To learn more about the automatic license update process, see the Updating License Automatically section in the Veeam Backup & Replication User Guide.

    By default, the automatic license update feature is deactivated. To enable it, do the following:

    1. Open the main menu and select License.
    2. In the License Information window, in the License tab, select the Update license automatically check box.

    Updating License Tip:

    If you do not want to enable automatic license update, after you obtain a new license, you can click the Update Now button to update the license manually.

    Updating License