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Performing Instant Recovery of a VMware VM

In this article

    To leverage the Instant VM Recovery technology to restore a VM, you need to perform the following steps:

    1. Initiate the Instant Recovery process with Start-VBRInstantRecovery. This cmdlet allows you to use the following options:
    • Restore the VM to original location or to another location. The Start-VBRInstantRecovery cmdlet provides a number of parameters to set the new location: Server, ResourcePool and Folder. To restore the VM to the original location, skip these parameters.
    • Change the destination for storing the redo logs. By default, the changes made to the VM are written to the Veeam backup server. Use the Datastore parameter ti set the new location.
    • Connect VM to network. Use the NICsEnabled parameter to connect the restored VM to the network.
    • Power on VM automatically. Use the PowerUp parameter to indicate that the VM must be automatically powered on after restore.
    1. Finalize the restore process. The instantly recovered VM runs from a backup and does not provide a wholly functioning service. You need to finalize the successful instant recovery by one of the following steps:
    1. You can check the session progress by running Get-VBRInstantRecovery.

    This example shows the instant recovery of a VMware VM that will be restored to another location and then migrated to the production site with the Quick Migration.

    // Start the Instant Recovery:

    PS C:\PS> $restorepoint = Get-VBRBackup -Name "Active Directory Backup" | Get-VBRRestorePoint | Sort-Object $_.creationtime -Descending | Select -First 1

    PS C:\PS> $server02 = Get-VBRServer -Name "VMware Host 02"

    PS C:\PS> $resourcepool = Find-VBRViResourcePool -Server $server02 -Name "Restored"

    PS C:\PS> Start-VBRInstantRecovery -RestorePoint $restorepoint -Server $server02 -ResourcePool $resourcepool -Folder "C:\Restored" -PowerUp -NICsEnabled -Reason "VM recovery"


    // Check the recovery session status:

    PS C:\PS> Get-VBRInstantRecovery

    VM Name    Host       Status     Restore Point   Backup Name

    -------    ----       ------     -------------   -----------

    Active ... VMware...  Mounted    1/13/2015 ...   Active Dir...


    // Migrate to production site:

    PS C:\PS> $AD = Find-VBRViEntity -Server $server02 -Name "Active Directory Server"

    PS C:\PS> $production = Get-VBRServer -Name "VMware Production Host"

    PS C:\PS> Start-VBRQuickMigration -Entity $AD -Server $production