Application-Aware Settings (Server Mode)

This section describes application-aware settings of the backup job.

General Settings

Parent Tag




Parent tag that encapsulates information about application-aware settings.



Parameter describes if application-aware processing is enabled. Possible values:

  • True — application-aware processing is enabled.
  • False — application-aware processing is disabled.



Parameter describes how transaction logs must be processed. Possible values:

  • True — transaction logs are processed with the Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows backup job.
  • False — transaction logs are processed with a third-party tool. Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows performs copy-only backup.


Microsoft SQL Server Settings

Parent Tag




Parent tag that encapsulates information about transaction logs settings for Microsoft SQL Server.



Parameter describes how Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows processes transaction logs for Microsoft SQL Server. Possible values:

  • 0 — Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows does not truncate transaction logs.
  • 1 — Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows truncates transaction logs.
  • 3 — Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows periodically backs up transaction logs. During the job session, Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows also truncates transaction logs.

NOTE! If you do not specify the Mode parameter but set the Enabled parameter in the Backup tag to True, transaction log backup will be enabled.


This tag is used only if you set the Mode parameter to 3 (Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows periodically backs up transaction logs).

Parent tag encapsulating information about transaction logs backup settings for Microsoft SQL Server.



This parameter is used only if you set the Mode parameter to 3 (Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows periodically backs up transaction logs).

Parameter specifies if Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows must back up transaction logs. Possible values:

  • True — Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows backs up transaction logs.
  • False — Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows does not back up transaction logs.

NOTE! If you do not specify the Enabled parameter but set the Mode parameter to 3, transaction log backup will be enabled.



This parameter is used only if you set the Mode parameter to 3 (Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows periodically backs up transaction logs).

Periodicity with which Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows must back up transaction logs (in minutes). By default, Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows backs up transaction logs every 15 minutes.



This parameter is used only if you set the Mode parameter to 3 (Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows periodically backs up transaction logs).

Retention policy settings for backed up transaction logs. Possible values:

  • True — transaction log backups are removed from the backup target after <N> days. Together with this parameter, you must specify retention policy settings in the ExpireDays parameter.
  • False — transaction log backups are removed from the backup target together with the parent backup (when the parent backup becomes outdated and is removed from the primary backup chain).



This parameter is used only if you set the Mode parameter to 3 (Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows periodically backs up transaction logs) and set the Expirable parameter to True (delete transaction log backups after <N> days).

Retention policy settings for transaction log backups (in days). By default, Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows removes from the backup target transaction log backups that are older than 15 days.


This tag is used only if you want to use impersonation and connect to the Microsoft SQL Server under the database administrator account.

Parent tag that encapsulates information about credentials of a database administrator account.



This parameter is used only if you want to use impersonation and connect to the Microsoft SQL Server under the database administrator account.

User name of the database administrator account. The user name is specified as a text string encoded in the Base64 format.



This parameter is used only if you want to use impersonation and connect to the Microsoft SQL Server under the database administrator account.

Password of the database administrator account. The password is encrypted. For more information, see Encryption of User Credentials.


Oracle Settings

Parent Tag




Parent tag that encapsulates information about transaction logs settings for Oracle.



Parameter describes how Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows processes transaction logs for Oracle. Possible values:

  • 0 — Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows does not truncate transaction logs.
  • 1 — Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows truncates transaction logs that are older than <N> hours. If you set the Mode parameter to 1, you must specify the LifetimeHours parameter.
  • 2 — Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows truncates transaction logs whose size is over <N> GB. If you set the Mode parameter to 2, you must specify the SizeGB parameter.



This parameter is used only if you want Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows to connect to an Oracle database under a specific account.

Type of account you want to use. Possible values:

  • 0 — Oracle account
  • 1 — Microsoft Windows account

Together with the AccountType parameter, you must specify UserName and Password parameters in the Credentials tag.



This parameter is used if you set the Oracle parameter to 1 (Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows truncates transaction logs that are older than <N> hours).

Age of transaction logs that must be truncated (in hours). By default, Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows truncates transaction logs that are older than 24 hours.



This parameter is used if you set the Oracle parameter to 2 (Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows truncates transaction logs whose size is over <N> GB).

Size of transaction logs that must be truncated (in GB). By default, Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows truncates transaction logs whose size is over 10 GB.


Parent tag that encapsulates information about transaction logs backup settings for Oracle.



Parameter specifies if Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows must back up transaction logs. Possible values:

  • True — Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows backs up transaction logs.
  • False — Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows does not back up transaction logs.



Periodicity with which Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows must back up transaction logs (in minutes). By default, Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows backs up transaction logs every 15 minutes.



Retention policy settings for backed up transaction logs. Possible values:

  • True — transaction log backups are removed from the backup target after <N> days. Together with this parameter, you must specify retention policy settings in the ExpireDays parameter.
  • False — transaction log backups are removed from the backup target together with the parent backup (when the parent backup becomes outdated and is removed from the primary backup chain).



This parameter is used only if you set the Expirable parameter to True (delete transaction log backups after <N> days).

Retention policy settings for transaction log backups (in days). By default, Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows removes transaction log backups that are older than 15 days from the backup target.


This tag is used only if you want Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows to connect to an Oracle database under a specific account.

Parent tag that encapsulates information about credentials of the account used to connect to the Oracle database.



This parameter is used only if you want Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows to connect to an Oracle database under a specific account.

User name of the account under which Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows must connect to the Oracle database. The user name is specified as a text string encoded in the Base64 format.



This parameter is used only if you want Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows to connect to an Oracle database under a specific account.

Password of the account under which Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows must connect to the Oracle database. The password is encrypted. For more information, see Encryption of User Credentials.


Microsoft SharePoint Settings

Parent Tag




Parent tag that encapsulates information about settings for Microsoft SharePoint Server.


Parent tag that encapsulates information about credentials of the account used to connect to Microsoft SharePoint Server.



User name of the account used to connect to Microsoft SharePoint Server. The user name is specified as a text string encoded in the Base64 format.



Password of the account used to connect to Microsoft SharePoint Server. The password is encrypted. For more information, see Encryption of User Credentials.


Custom Script Settings

Parent Tag




Parent tag that encapsulates information about custom script settings.



Parameter describes if Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows must run custom scripts and how it must process script execution results. Possible values:

  • 0 — script execution is disabled.
  • 1 — Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows runs scripts and ignores script failures.
  • 2 — Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows requires that scripts are executed successfully.

If you set the Mode parameter to 1 or 2, you must specify the PreFreezePath or PostThawPath parameters.



This parameter is used if you set the Mode parameter to 1 or 2 (run a pre-freeze script).

Path to a pre-freeze script, for example: C:\scripts\pre-freeze.cmd.



This parameter is used if you set the Mode parameter to 1 or 2 (run a post-thaw script).

Path to a post-thaw script, for example: C:\scripts\pre-freeze.cmd.


This tag is used only if you need to run custom scripts under a specific account, for example, an account that has Administrator permissions.

Parent tag that encapsulates information about credentials of the account used to run custom scripts.



This parameter is used only if you need to run custom scripts under a specific account.

User name of the account under which custom scripts must be run. The user name is specified as a text string encoded in the Base64 format.



This parameter is used only if you need to run custom scripts under a specific account.

Password of the account under which custom scripts must be run. The password is encrypted. For more information, see Encryption of User Credentials.


File Indexing

Parent Tag




Parent tag that encapsulates information about file indexing settings.



Indexing mode. Possible values:

  • 1 — Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows indexes all files and folders included in the backup scope.
  • 2 — Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows indexes the content of folders included in the indexing scope.
  • 3 — Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows does not index the content of folders excluded from the indexing scope.



Parameter specifies if Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows must index files and folders. Possible values:

  • True — Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows indexes files and folders.
  • False — Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows does not index files and folders.


This tag is used only if the Indexing parameter is set to 1 (Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows indexes the content of folders included in the indexing scope).

Parent tag that encapsulates information about folders included in the indexing scope.


String value

This parameter is used only if the Indexing parameter is set to 1 (Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows indexes the content of folders included in the indexing scope).

Paths to folders whose content must be indexed, for example, C:\Documents.


This tag is used only if the Indexing parameter is set to 2 (Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows does not index the content of folders excluded from the indexing scope).

Parent tag that encapsulates information about folders excluded from the indexing scope.


String value

This parameter is used only if the Indexing parameter is set to 2 (Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows does not index the content of folders excluded from the indexing scope).

Paths to folders whose content must not be indexed, for example, %TEMP%, %ProgramFiles%. You can use system environmental variables in this parameter.

Example 1

You want the backup job to back up Microsoft SQL Server transaction logs every 15 minutes and retain transaction log backups in the backup target for 20 days. The input XML file will contain the following parameters:

 <JobInfo ConfigId="f5bb9cd2-9b7d-4bb3-9c72-435cec24420c" JobName="Backup Job">
     <Applications ProcessTransactionLogs="True">
       <Sql Mode="3">
         <Backup Enabled="True" ExpireDays="20" BackupMinutes="15" Expirable="True"/>

Example 2

You want the backup job to index files in D:\Folder1 and D:\Folder2 folders. The input XML file will contain the following parameters:

 <JobInfo ConfigId="f5bb9cd2-9b7d-4bb3-9c72-435cec24420c" JobName="Backup Job">
     <Indexing Type="2">
         <String value="D:\Folder1"/>
         <String value="D:\Folder2"/>

Example 3

You want the backup job to run pre-freeze.cmd and post-thaw.cmd scripts, and want to ignore script errors. The input XML file will contain the following parameters:

 <JobInfo ConfigId="f5bb9cd2-9b7d-4bb3-9c72-435cec24420c" JobName="Backup Job">
     <Applications ProcessTransactionLogs="True" Enabled="True">
       <Script Mode="1" PostThawPath="C:\scripts\post-thaw.cmd" PreFreezePath="C:\scripts\pre-freeze.cmd"/>