Restoring Configuration Data
To restore data from the configuration backup, you can use one of two methods: data restore and data migration.
Data restore can be helpful in the following situations:
- The configuration database got corrupted and you want to recover data from the configuration backup.
- The Microsoft SQL Server on which the configuration database resides got corrupted, and you want to deploy the configuration database on a new Microsoft SQL Server, and restore data from the configuration backup to it.
- You want to roll back the configuration database to a specific point in time.
- You want to restore data to a new configuration database on the same Microsoft SQL server, for example, for testing purposes.
Data migration can be helpful if you need to move the backup server and configuration database to another location, for example, offsite. In this case, you can configure a backup server, deploy a Microsoft SQL Server in the target location and then restore data from the configuration backup to a database on this server. As a result, you will get a "replica" of the backup server without additional adjustments and fine-tuning.
It is recommended that you use Veeam Backup & Replication tools to create configuration backups and migrate the configuration database. If you use other tools, for example, native Microsoft SQL Server tools, after migration some information such as secure configuration data may be not accessible.
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