Lookup Query

To obtain a resource representation of a specific virtual infrastructure object, you need to construct a query string to the lookup service. The query string can be constructed in two ways:

Query String with Object Reference

If you have a reference to the virtual infrastructure object and want to get its resource representation, you can construct a query string of the following type:


where &hierarchyRef={hierarchyRef} identifies a hierarchy object reference. The hierarchy object reference is a string that is constructed by specific rules. This parameter explicitly refers to the necessary virtual infrastructure object and lets retrieve its resource representation. For details, see Constructing HierarchyObjRefType.

The example below returns a resource representation of the VM having the following object reference: urn:vCloud:Vm:fa099d3b-7376-49b1-884c-bb6fa47c7b1e.urn:vcloud:vm:6b2da27f-e653-495b-b515-2b18bbb4d3ec.


GET https://localhost:9398/api/lookup?hierarchyRef=urn:vCloud:Vm:fa099d3b-7376-49b1-884c-bb6fa47c7b1e.urn:vcloud:vm:6b2da27f-e653-495b-b515-2b18bbb4d3ec



200 OK


Response Body:

<HierarchyItems xmlns="http://www.veeam.com/ent/v1.0">
 <HierarchyItem Type="HierarchyItem">


Query String with Parameters

If you want to get object references for one or several virtual infrastructure objects that match a specific criterion, you can construct a query string of the following type:



The client can use the following object types in the query string:

For the VMware virtual environments:

For VMware Cloud Director:

For the Hyper-V virtual environments:

The example below returns a VM named DC that resides on the host having the following ID: fa099d3b-7376-49b1-884c-bb6fa47c7b1e.


GET https://localhost:9398/api/lookup?host=urn:veeam:HierarchyRoot:fa099d3b-7376-49b1-884c-bb6fa47c7b1e&name=DC&type=Vm



200 OK


Response Body:

<HierarchyItems xmlns="http://www.veeam.com/ent/v1.0">
 <HierarchyItem Type="HierarchyItem">