POST Method
The POST HTTPS method in the Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 REST API can be used in two different ways:
All requests creating a new resource require a request body. The body must contain properties for this resource. For example, to create a new backup repository, send a request of the following type:
Request: POST
Request Header: Authorization: Bearer <Access-Token>
Request Body: { "proxyId": "89e8c35e-6c73-4f46-a37d-b365e513f7c6", "name": "Azure", "description": "Azure storage", "retentionPeriodType": "Yearly", "yearlyRetentionPeriod": "Years3", "retentionFrequencyType": "Daily", "dailyTime": "14:00:00", "dailyType": "Everyday", "retentionType": "SnapshotBased", "objectStorage": { "accountId": "62184b76-b935-42a9-868e-d55e83f052fa", "type": "AzureBlob", "azureContainer": { "name": "Container1", "regionType": "Global" }, "azureFolder": "Folder1", "SizeLimitEnabled": false }, "objectStorageEncryptionEnabled": true, "encryptionKeyId": "428fbab8-264a-4452-888f-9bb97775307b" } |
All requests performing an operation require a request body. The body must contain properties for this operation. For example, to export backed-up mailbox items to a PST file, send a request of the following type:
Request: POST{restoreSessionId}/organization/mailboxes/{mailboxId}/items/{itemId}/exportToPst
Request Header: Authorization: Bearer <Access-Token>
Request Body: { "contentKeyword": "...", "enablePstSizeLimit": false, "items": [ {"id": "74685f6b-16aa-4a78-a44f-05526ce0ae30"}, {"id": "70013a9e-c446-429d-aa78-9c8c20d9b814"} ] } |
In case of success, the POST HTTPS method returns the HTTP response code 201 Created or 204 No Content, or 200 OK. Depending on the resource, the method can return a response to an action specified in the response body.