Search for Backed-Up Items

The Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 REST API allows you to search for items in backups of Microsoft 365 organization data. You can perform the following search operations:

  • Search for Microsoft Exchange items in backed-up organizations, mailboxes and mailbox folders.
  • Search for Microsoft OneDrive for Business items in entire OneDrive storage and specific OneDrive folders.
  • Search for Microsoft SharePoint items in backed-up SharePoint sites, folders, libraries and lists.
  • Search for Microsoft Teams items in backed-up organizations, teams and channels.

To search for items, use a POST HTTPS request of the following format:

POST https://<hostname>:<Port>/v8/<path_to_resource>/search

where <path_to_resource> is a path to the resource that represents an object (for example, a mailbox, folder, site, library, list or team) where you want to search for backed-up items.

In the body of the request, provide the search action property with query parameters that define search criteria. Available query parameters differ for different type of items: Exchange items, SharePoint items and OneDrive for Business items or Teams items.

For more information about request syntax and query parameters for specific search operations, see the following sections of the Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 REST API Reference:

Search for Microsoft Exchange Items:

Search for Microsoft OneDrive Items:

Search for Microsoft SharePoint Items:

Search for Microsoft Teams Items:

Search for Backed-Up Items Note

For search of Microsoft 365 items, Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 uses the Windows Search functionality. In a query string provided in the body of a search request, you can specify search parameters in the form of canonical names (for example, System.Message.FromAddress and System.Message.ToAddress) or their shortcuts (for example, from and to). For a full list of search parameters supported in Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365, see Appendix A. Item Search Parameters.

The following example shows a request used to search for email messages in a mailbox. The request is used to search for messages sent from a specified sender to a specified recipient.




Request Header:

Authorization: Bearer <Access-Token>


Request Body:


  "query": "from: user_X to: user_Y"
