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Veeam Backup & Replication 9.0
Veeam Backup Explorers User Guide

Configuring Staging Server

Staging server is required to fine-tune the restore point in case a user needs to restore database to the state before specific transaction. If necessary, the staging server will be also involved in presenting database hierarchy to user (see below for details).

You can specify a local (for Windows VMs only) or remote (for both Windows and Linux VMs) staging server, as described below.

Configuring Staging Server Important!

If you plan to use a server other than original or target Oracle server as a staging system, make sure it has the same version as the source (original) and target Oracle server.
If you plan to restore databases with Automatic Storage Management enabled, the staging and target servers should have ASM enabled, too.

To configure a staging server, do the following:

  1. Make sure the server you plan to use meets system requirements; also, check considerations and limitations.
  2. In Veeam Explorer for Oracle, open the main menu and click Options.
  3. For Windows-based server, do the following:
  1. Specify staging Server name.
  2. Specify user account to connect to Oracle server. You can either use current account (under which Veeam Explorer is running) or specify another one. Make sure is has sufficient permissions, as described here.
  3. Specify path to Oracle Home folder to be used. You can click Browse, and Veeam Oracle Home Browser will find the corresponding folder for you. If you plan to use Oracle 12c as a staging system, you may also need to enter a password to access Oracle Home on that machine.

Configuring Staging Server 

  1. For Linux-based VM, only a remote server (not the one where Veeam Explorer is running) can be used as staging system. Do the following:
  1. Specify staging Server name and SSH port – default is 22.
  2. Specify account to connect to staging server. You can use authentication by username and password or by private key. Make sure the account has sufficient permissions, as described here.

Configuring Staging Server 

  1. To elevate specified account to root and to add it to sudoers, click Advanced. Select the options you need; if necessary, enter root password and click OK to save the settings and close the dialog.

Configuring Staging Server 

  1. Specify path to Oracle Home folder to be used. You can click Browse, and Veeam Oracle Home Browser will find the corresponding folder for you.
  2. Return to Options and click OK to save configuration settings.

Obtaining Database Information from VM Backup

To present Oracle database hierarchy to user, Veeam Explorer uses different ways of retrieving application-specific information from image-level backup:

Using application information retrieved from backup, Veeam Explorer displays Oracle database hierarchy in its navigation pane where you can select the database to be restored and start 1-Click Restore or use the Restore wizard.

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