This is an archive version of the document. To get the most up-to-date information, see the current version.

Viewing Restore Points in Backup

To view information about restore points in the backup, you can use one of the following commands:

veeamconfig backup info --id <backup_id>


veeamconfig point list --backupid <backup_id>


<backup_id> — ID of the backup for which you want to view information on restore points.

For example:

user@srv01:~$ veeamconfig backup info --id 4f75bb20-a6b6-4323-9287-1c6c8ceccb6b


user@srv01:~$ veeamconfig point list --backupid 4f75bb20-a6b6-4323-9287-1c6c8ceccb6b

Veeam Agent for Linux displays the following information about restore points in the backup:



Job name

Name of the backup job by which the backup was created.


ID of the restore point in the backup.


Type of the restore point. Possible values:

  • Full
  • Increment

Created at

Date and time of the restore point creation.

Is corrupt

Indicates whether restore point in the backup is corrupted. For example, restore point is still being created or backup job failed to create a working backup. Possible values:

  • True
  • False