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Viewing List of Service Providers

To view a list of service providers to which Veeam Agent is connected, use the following command:

veeamconfig cloud list

Veeam Agent will display the list service providers.

For the service provider in the list, Veeam Agent for Linux displays the following information:




Name of the service provider.


ID of the service provider in the Veeam Agent database.


IP address of the cloud gateway and port over which Veeam Agent communicates with the cloud gateway.

Gate servers

IP address of the cloud gateway and port over which Veeam Agent communicates with the cloud gateway.


Name of the tenant or subtenant account used for connection to the service provider.

For example:

user@srv01:~$ veeamconfig cloud list
Name        ID                                      Address                Gate servers  Username  
SP          {0840f770-354d-426a-b5ce-1aa80f56cc08}                    TechCompany