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Configuring Advanced Settings

You can view and modify system limits and default settings configured in Veeam Backup for Salesforce. To do that, switch to the Configuration page, navigate to About > Advanced Settings and click Confirm. From the drop-down list, choose whether you want to view the restore or backend advanced settings. Note that only an Administrator can update the advanced settings.


Changing the default advanced settings may result in unsupported or unusable product configuration. Do not change the settings unless it is advised in this document or by the Veeam Customer Support Team. If you change a setting accidentally, select this setting and click Reset to Default.

The Backend list shows general settings of the management server and key settings that Veeam Backup for Salesforce uses for backup operations:

  • sf.api.versionSalesforce API version of the Veeam backup and backend services.
  • restore.job.draft.lifetime.days — the period of time (in days) during which the product keeps restore job drafts in the configuration database. If you set this parameter value to 0, the product will keep job drafts for 1 day only.
  • restore.job.allow.parallel — defines whether the product runs parallel restore jobs for the same organization.
  • logging.restore.file.retention — the period of time (in days) during which the product keeps restore logs in the configuration database and log storage folder.
  • logging.backup.file.retention — the period of time (in days) during which the product keeps backup logs in the configuration database and log storage folder.
  • logging.backend.file.retention — the period of time (in days) during which the product keeps configuration logs in the log storage folder.
  • logging.add.domain.filename — defines whether the product adds the backend domain name to the name of the downloaded log archive file.
  • — the path to the folder where the product stores backups of Salesforce files and metadata. By default, the product stores backups in the /opt/vbsf/data folder. If you change this parameter value, you must move all your backups to a new location manually before enabling backup policies. Note that each Salesforce organization has its unique subfolder containing the organization ID that cannot be modified.
  • backup.metadata.xmx — the maximum amount of memory allocated to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) used by the backup service to process metadata.
  • backup.metadata.xms — the initial amount of memory allocated to the JVM used by the backup service to process metadata.
  • backup.metadata.retrieve.batchsize — the number of metadata files retrieved in one request (batch) to Salesforce during a backup session. If you set this parameter value to 0, the number of requests sent to Salesforce will depend on the amount of processed data.
  • backup.file.xmx — the maximum amount of memory allocated to the JVM used by the backup service to process files and attachments.
  • backup.file.xms — the initial amount of memory allocated to the JVM used by the backup service to process files and attachments.
  • backup.file.max.failure — the maximum number of failed attempts to back up a file before the file is excluded from the backup policy. If you set this parameter value to 0, the file will not be excluded from the backup policy regardless of the number of failed attempts.
  • — the maximum amount of memory allocated to the JVM used by the backup service to process Salesforce data. It is recommended that you add 256 MB of memory for each 1 TB of storage resources used by your organization.
  • — the initial amount of memory allocated to the JVM used by the backup service to process Salesforce data.
  • backend.object.limit.rows — the maximum number of backed-up records retrieved from the product database that are displayed on the Browse tab. The minimum value is 1; the maximum value is 50,000.
  • — the maximum number of metadata files that you can download at a time to the local machine during a restore operation. The minimum value is 1; the maximum value is 500.
  • backend.domain — the FQDN or IP address of the management server. Keep in mind that this parameter value match the callback URL in the Connected App settings in Salesforce and redirect URI in Microsoft Azure.

The Restore list shows key settings that Veeam Backup for Salesforce uses for restore operations:

  • suppress.sf.unknown.fields — defines whether the product ignores fields that are present in backed-up databases but missing in the Salesforce database while running restore jobs. If you set this parameter value to true, the product will proceed with the restore process regardless of the missing fields. If you set this parameter value to false, the product will stop a restore job as soon as a missing field is discovered.
  • sf.composite.batch.size — the number of records the product sends to Salesforce in one request (batch) during a restore session.
  • sf.bulk.records.threshold — the maximum number of records before the product switches to Bulk API 2.0.
  • sf.bulk.batch.size — the number of records the product sends to Salesforce in one request (batch) during a restore session. The product switches to this setting when the sf.bulk.records.threshold value is reached.
  • sf.api.version — the Salesforce API version of the Veeam restore service.
  • — the minimum amount of free memory (in percentage) of the management server required to start a restore session.
  • log.obfuscation.level — the level of masking sensitive data in restore logs.
  • hierarchy.restore.on.max.input.records — the number of records that can be selected for one restore session (if hierarchy restore is enabled).
  • — the number of records that can be selected for one restore session (if hierarchy restore is disabled).
  • hierarchy.restore.default.depth — the maximum level to which child records are automatically restored. This setting is applied only to those records that have not been reviewed when configuring child hierarchy for restore. By default, this parameter is set to 2, that is, the product restores records that you selected at step 4 of the Restore Records wizard and the 1st level of child records.
  • hierarchy.max.parents.depth — the default value of the Restore parent hierarchy parameter that is specified when configuring hierarchy advanced settings.
  • fields.restore.max.input.records — the number of records that can be selected for one field value restore session.
  • backend.url — the FQDN or IP address of the management server.