Breaking Changes

Breaking changes cause REST API to function differently and could affect the client code.

SMB and NFS Shares

  • The autoSelect property of the RepositoryShareGatewayModel model is now required.
  • The string gatewayServerId property of the RepositoryShareGatewayModel model is renamed to gatewayServerIds and its type is changed to array so you can specify an array of gateway server IDs there.

For details, see Repositories.

Backup Job Advanced Settings

In the SyntheticFullSettingsModel model, the days property is replaced with weekly and monthly properties. For more information, see Jobs.

Global Email Notification Settings

In the AdvancedSmtpOptionsModel model, fixed a typo in the property name: authRequred > authRequired. For details, see General Options.

Page updated 8/9/2024

Page content applies to build