Minor Non-Breaking Changes
The following minor non-breaking changes are introduced in REST API 1.2-rev0.
Multiple Sections
The EPlatformType enumeration type now includes the following platform types:
- EntraID
- Test
This change affects the platformNameFilter parameter in the Get All Backup Objects, Get All Restore Points and Get All Replica Restore Points requests, as well as the following objects: SessionModel, InventoryObjectModel, BackupModel, BackupObjectModel, ObjectRestorePointModel, ReplicaPointModel, BackupObjectsFilters, ObjectRestorePointsFilters and ReplicaRestorePointsFilters.
General Options
The syslogEventFiltering property is added to the GeneralOptionsSiemIntegrationModel object. It contains an array of objects (GeneralOptionsSyslogEventFilteringModel), each containing an event ID (eventID) and an array of event severity levels (severity) which prevent Veeam Backup & Replication from sending events of the specified severity level to the syslog server.
Malware Detection
The IndicatorOfCompromise property is added to the ESuspiciousActivityType object.
The Get All Repository States request now has the isOnlineFilter parameter that allows you filter repositories by their connection status.
The EJobType enumeration type now includes the FileBackupCopy job type.
Restore Points
The type (containing the ERestorePointType enumeration type), sessionId, backupFileId properties were added to the ObjectRestorePointModel object.
The destination property in the InstantViVMCustomizedRecoverySpec object is no longer required. If you do not specify this property, Veeam Backup & Replication recovers the VM to the original location.
The ESessionType enumeration type now includes the following new session types:
- PublishBackupContentViaMount
- EntraIdRestore
- BackupCopyJob
- SecurityComplianceAnalyzer
- FileServerSave
- SureBackup
- NasRestore
- UnstructuredDataBrowse
Now, when importing cloud credentials, the credentials property is not required.