At the Ready step of the wizard, Veeam Backup Free Edition will check if the selected VMs can be relocated.
- Review details of the quick migration task.
- By default, when VM migration completes successfully, Veeam Backup Free Edition waits for a heartbeat signal from the VM on the target host. If the heartbeat is received, the original VM on the source host is deleted. Note that you cannot use this option if you have selected to relocate the VMs using VMware vMotion.
- If you disable the Delete source VM files upon successful migration option, the source VM will not be deleted. All jobs to which the VM is added will continue to process the source VM.
- If you enable the Delete source VM files upon successful migration option, the source VM will be deleted. All jobs to which the VM is added will switch to the migrated VM. The backup chain will be continued, thus, the next job session for the VM will be incremental.
- Click Finish to close the wizard and start the migration process.
Send feedback | Updated on 12/25/2018