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Veeam Backup & Replication 9.5 [Archived]
Veeam Backup FREE Edition User Guide

Migrating Configuration Backup

To migrate configuration data to another Microsoft SQL Server, perform the following steps:

  1. Before you create the configuration backup, stop all running jobs and disable all scheduled jobs on the backup server from which you migrate configuration data.

Do not start and/or enable any jobs. If you start a job before migration is completed, Veeam Backup Free Edition will produce a new restore point in the chain and update the chain metadata. The created configuration backup will not contain information about this new restore point. When you migrate data from the configuration backup to the database and start the job again, Veeam Backup Free Edition will fail to synchronize the chain metadata with data in the database. As a result, the job will fail.

  1. Launch the Configuration Database Restore wizard. At the Restore Mode step of the wizard, select Migrate.
  2. Follow the next steps of the wizard. Specify the configuration migration settings as described in the Restoring Configuration Database section.

Before restoring the configuration data in the Migrate mode, Veeam Backup Free Edition performs an additional check. If the configuration backup does not meet the requirements, Veeam Backup Free Edition will offer you to switch to the Restore mode. In the Restore mode, Veeam Backup Free Edition will perform an additional rescan of VM replicas, backup repositories and tape libraries connected to the backup server. The database will be updated to include information about new restore points, and subsequent job sessions will be working in a proper way.

Migrating Configuration Backup 

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