At the Location step of the wizard, select an ESX(i) host to which the clone/virtual copy of the storage snapshot will be mounted. On the selected ESX(i) host, Veeam Backup Free Edition will create a temporary VM and mount disks of the virtualized Microsoft Exchange server to this temporary VM.
To specify a destination for the snapshot clone/virtual copy and temporary VM:
- At the Location step of the wizard, click Customize.
- Next to the Host field, click Choose and select an ESX(i) host to which the snapshot clone must be mounted and on which the temporary VM must be created.
- Next to the Resource pool field, click Choose and select a resource pool to which you want to place the temporary VM.
- Next to the Folder field, click Choose and select a folder to which you want to place the temporary VM.
- Click OK.
Send feedback | Updated on 12/25/2018