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Veeam Backup & Replication 9.5 [Archived]
Veeam Backup FREE Edition User Guide

Before You Begin

Before you start the restore process, check the following prerequisites:

  • Stop all jobs that are currently running. During restore of configuration, Veeam Backup Free Edition temporary stops the Veeam Backup Service and jobs.
  • Check the version of the backup server. On the backup server running Veeam Backup Free Edition 9.5, you can restore configuration backups created with the following product versions: 8.0 Update 3 and 9.0.
  • Make sure that the certificate chain restored from a configuration backup will successfully pass validation on the target backup server. This precaution is required if the following conditions are met:
  1. You want to restore configuration database of a backup server used in the Veeam Agent management scenario.
  2. The backup server whose configuration database you want to restore uses a custom certificate issued by a Certificate Authority instead of the default self-signed certificate to ensure a secure connection in the Veeam Agent management infrastructure.
  • If you plan to restore configuration data to the database on another Microsoft SQL Server, make sure the account for using Veeam Backup & Replication has sufficient permissions. For more information, see Required Permissions.

Mind the following limitation:

You can start configuration restore only from the Veeam Backup Free Edition console installed locally on the backup server. You cannot start configuration restore from the console installed on a remote machine.

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Veeam Backup FREE Edition User Guide