Microsoft Azure Integration
This section describes how you can create a Microsoft Azure account and create a Microsoft Azure backup appliance or connect an existing one.
Create Microsoft Azure Account
To create a Microsoft Azure account:
- Obtain UID of a Veeam Cloud Connect site for which you want to configure integration by sending the GetSites request.
- Obtain a verification code by sending the GetPublicCloudAzureDeviceCode request. Provide the UID you obtained at step 1 as the siteUid parameter value.
Note that you must register the code by following the link in the verificationUrl property.
- Create a new Microsoft Azure account by sending the CreatePublicCloudAzureAccount request:
- Provide the UID you obtained at step 1 as the siteUid parameter value.
- Provide a name for an account as the accountName property values.
- Provide a description for an account as the description property value.
- Provide a type of a Microsoft Azure environment as the environment property value.
- Provide a user code that you obtained at step 2 as the userCode property value.
- Create new guest OS credentials that will be used to access Microsoft Azure VMs by sending the CreatePublicCloudGuestOsCredentials request.
- Provide the UID you obtained at step 1 as the siteUid parameter value.
- Provide the serviceProviderAdministrator value for the role property.
- Provide a user name for an account as the username property value.
- Provide a description for an account as the description property value.
- Provide a password for an account as the password property value.
Create New Backup Appliance
To create a new Microsoft Azure backup appliance:
- Obtain UID of a Veeam Cloud Connect site on which you want to register a backup appliance by sending the GetSites request.
- Obtain UID of an Microsoft Azure account that will be used for appliance configuration by sending the GetPublicCloudAzureAccounts request. Provide the UID you obtained at step 1 as the siteUid parameter value.
- Create a new Microsoft Azure connection by sending the CreatePublicCloudAzureConnection request:
- Provide the UID you obtained at step 1 as the siteUid parameter value.
- Provide the UID you obtained at step 2 as the accountUid parameter value.
- Provide a type of a Microsoft Azure environment as the environment parameter value.
- Obtain ID of a Microsoft Azure subscription by sending the GetPublicCloudAzureSubscriptions request:
- Provide the UID you obtained at step 1 as the siteUid parameter value.
- Provide the UID of a Microsoft Azure connection you created at step 3 as the connectionUid parameter value.
- Obtain ID of a Microsoft Azure data center where a backup appliance will reside by sending the GetPublicCloudAzureDataCenters request:
- Provide the UID you obtained at step 1 as the siteUid parameter value.
- Provide the UID of a Microsoft Azure connection you created at step 3 as the connectionUid parameter value.
- Provide the ID you obtained at step 4 as the subscriptionId parameter value.
- Obtain a name of a Microsoft Azure resource group by sending the GetPublicCloudAzureResourceGroups request:
- Provide the UID you obtained at step 1 as the siteUid parameter value.
- Provide the UID of a Microsoft Azure connection you created at step 3 as the connectionUid parameter value.
- Provide the ID you obtained at step 4 as the subscriptionId parameter value.
- Obtain ID of a Microsoft Azure network and a name of a subnet that will provide resources to a backup appliance by sending the GetPublicCloudAzureNetworks request:
- Provide the UID you obtained at step 1 as the siteUid parameter value.
- Provide the ID of a Microsoft Azure connection that you created at step 3 as the connectionUid parameter value.
- Provide the ID you obtained at step 4 as the subscriptionId parameter value.
- Provide the ID you obtained at step 5 as the dataCenterId parameter value.
- Obtain ID of a security group that will include a backup appliance by sending the GetPublicCloudAzureSecurityGroups request:
- Provide the UID you obtained at step 1 as the siteUid parameter value.
- Provide the ID of a Microsoft Azure connection that you created at step 3 as the connectionUid parameter value.
- Provide the ID you obtained at step 4 as the subscriptionId parameter value.
- Provide the ID you obtained at step 5 as the dataCenterId parameter value.
- Obtain IP addresses of a Veeam Cloud Connect site on which you want to register a backup appliance by sending the GetPublicCloudAzureBackupServerIpAddresses request. Provide the UID you obtained at step 1 as the siteUid parameter value.
- Obtain IP addresses that can be assigned to a backup appliance by sending the GetPublicCloudAzureExistingIpAddresses request:
- Provide the UID you obtained at step 1 as the siteUid parameter value.
- Provide the ID of a Microsoft Azure connection that you created at step 3 as the connectionUid parameter value.
- Provide the ID you obtained at step 4 as the subscriptionId parameter value.
- Provide the ID you obtained at step 5 as the dataCenterId parameter value.
- Obtain UID of guest OS credentials to access a VM on which an appliance will be installed by sending the GetPublicCloudGuestOsCredentials request. Provide the UID you obtained at step 1 as the siteUid parameter value.
- Obtain a name of an encryption key pair by sending the GetPublicCloudAzureKeys request:
- Provide the UID you obtained at step 1 as the siteUid parameter value.
- Provide the ID of an Microsoft Azure connection that you created at step 3 as the connectionUid parameter value.
- Provide the ID you obtained at step 4 as the subscriptionId parameter value.
If you want to create a new key pair, send the CreatePublicCloudAzureKey request:
- Provide the UID you obtained at step 1 as the siteUid parameter value.
- Provide the ID of a Microsoft Azure connection that you created at step 5 as the connectionUid property value.
- Provide the ID you obtained at step 4 as the subscriptionId property value.
- Provide the ID you obtained at step 5 as the dataCenterId property value.
- Provide the name of a resource group you obtained at step 6 as the resourceGroupName property value.
- Provide a name for a key pair as the keyPairName property value.
- Obtain ID of an AWS instance time zone by sending the GetPublicCloudTimeZones request:
- Provide the UID you obtained at step 1 as the siteUid parameter value.
- Provide the Azure value for the publicCloudType parameter.
- Create a new backup appliance by sending the CreateNewPublicCloudAzureAppliance request:
- Provide the UID you obtained at step 1 as the siteUid parameter value.
- Provide the ID of a Microsoft Azure connection that you created at step 3 as the connectionUid property value.
- Provide a type of a Microsoft Azure environment as the environment parameter value.
- Provide the name of a resource group you obtained at step 6 as the resourceGroupName property value.
- Provide the ID you obtained at step 4 as the subscriptionId parameter value.
- Provide the ID you obtained at step 5 as the dataCenterId parameter value.
- Provide the UID you obtained at step 2 as the accountUid property value.
- Provide a name for a VM on which backup appliance will be installed as the virtualMachineName property value.
- Provide a description for a VM on which backup appliance will be installed as the description property value.
- Provide the ID you obtained at step 7 as the networkId property value.
- Provide the subnet name you obtained at step 7 as the subnetName property value.
- Provide the ID you obtained at step 8 as the securityGroupId property value.
- Provide the IP addresses you obtained at step 9 as the backupServerIpAddresses property value.
- Provide one of the IP addresses you obtained at step 10 as the backupServerIpAddresses property value.
Alternatively, you can assign a new IP address by sending the newIpAddressType property with the dynamic or static value.
- Provide the UID you obtained at step 11 as the guestOsCredentialsUid property value.
- Provide the name of a key pair you obtained at step 12 as the keyPairName property value.
- Provide the ID you obtained at step 13 as the timeZoneId property value.
Connect Backup Appliance
To connect an existing Microsoft Azure backup appliance:
- Obtain UID of a Veeam Cloud Connect site on which you want to register a backup appliance by sending the GetSites request.
- Obtain UID of an Microsoft Azure account that will be used for appliance configuration by sending the GetPublicCloudAzureAccounts request. Provide the UID you obtained at step 1 as the siteUid parameter value.
- Create a new Microsoft Azure connection by sending the CreatePublicCloudAwsConnection request:
- Provide the UID you obtained at step 1 as the siteUid parameter value.
- Provide the UID you obtained at step 2 as the accountUid parameter value.
- Provide a type of a Microsoft Azure environment as the environment parameter value.
- Obtain ID of a Microsoft Azure subscription by sending the GetPublicCloudAzureSubscriptions request:
- Provide the UID you obtained at step 1 as the siteUid parameter value.
- Provide the UID of a Microsoft Azure connection you created at step 3 as the connectionUid parameter value.
- Obtain ID of a Microsoft Azure data center where a backup appliance will reside by sending the GetPublicCloudAzureDataCenters request:
- Provide the UID you obtained at step 1 as the siteUid parameter value.
- Provide the UID of a Microsoft Azure connection you created at step 3 as the connectionUid parameter value.
- Provide the ID you obtained at step 4 as the subscriptionId parameter value.
- Obtain ID of a VM on which backup appliance is deployed by sending the GetPublicCloudAzureVirtualMachines request.
- Provide the UID you obtained at step 1 as the siteUid parameter value.
- Provide the ID of an Amazon connection that you created at step 3 as the connectionUid parameter value.
- Provide the ID you obtained at step 4 as the subscriptionId parameter value.
- Provide the ID you obtained at step 5 as the dataCenterId property value.
- Obtain IP address of an Microsoft Azure network that provides resources to a backup appliance by sending the GetPublicCloudAzureNetworks request.
- Provide the UID you obtained at step 1 as the siteUid parameter value.
- Provide the ID of an Amazon connection that you created at step 3 as the connectionUid parameter value.
- Provide the ID you obtained at step 4 as the subscriptionId parameter value.
- Provide the ID you obtained at step 5 as the dataCenterId property value.
- Obtain UID of guest OS credentials to access a VM on which backup appliance is installed by sending the GetPublicCloudGuestOsCredentials request. Provide the UID you obtained at step 1 as the siteUid parameter value.
- Connect a backup appliance by sending the AddExistingPublicCloudAzureAppliance request:
- Provide the UID you obtained at step 1 as the siteUid parameter value.
- Provide the UID you obtained at step 2 as the accountUid property value.
- Provide the ID you obtained at step 4 as the subscriptionId parameter value.
- Provide the ID you obtained at step 5 as the dataCenterId property value.
- Provide the ID of an Amazon connection that you created at step 3 as the connectionUid property value.
- Provide a type of a Microsoft Azure environment as the environment parameter value.
- Provide the ID you obtained at step 6 as the virtualMachineId property value.
- Provide a description for a VM as the description property value.
- Provide the ID you obtained at step 7 as the privateNetworkAddress property value.
- Provide the UID you obtained at step 8 as the guestOsCredentialsUid property value.