
To avoid excessive loading of Veeam Service Provider Console server caused by processing too many requests simultaneously or during a specific time period, the Veeam Service Provider Console REST API controls request rate through throttling mechanism.

Each request is classified as a part of one or more of the following groups:

  • All requests
  • Requests with specific UserId parameter value
  • Requests with specific IpAddress parameter value
  • Requests with specific UserID and IpAddress parameter values

According to throttling policy of those groups, a request is processed if it fits both of the following limitations:

  • Maximum number of requests processed simultaneously
  • Maximum number of requests processed during a unit of time

If at least one of those limitations is exceeded, server returns error with the 429 code. If maximum number of requests processed during a specific time period is exceeded, the response additionally may contain the retryAfter property that has the value equal to the number of seconds till the next time period begins:


"errors": [


  "type": "transport",

  "code": 429,

  "retryAfter": 25




For details on how to modify throttling limitations, see the Throttling Settings section.