Generating Custom Infrastructure Report

Veeam ONE allows you to create custom reports and include specific properties that are not covered in predefined reports.

For this scenario, you will configure the Custom Infrastructure report to present some in-depth information about your hosts:

  • Version
  • Build
  • Bios version
  • Manufacturer

Before you begin, make sure you have hosts connected to Veeam ONE as described in the Connecting VMware vSphere Servers section.

To create the Custom Infrastructure report:

  1. Open Veeam ONE Web Client.

For more information, see Accessing Veeam ONE Web Client.

  1. Open the Reports tab.
  2. In the hierarchy on the left, select the Custom Reports folder.
  3. In the displayed list of reports, select the Custom Infrastructure report.
  4. Specify the following report parameters:
  • Object type: defines a list of objects to analyze in the report. Select the vSphere Host System option.
  • Columns: defines configuration properties to analyze in the report. The list of available properties will depend on the selected object type. Use the Column name field to search for the necessary properties by name. Select the Name, About Info: Name, About Info: Version, About Info: Build, Host Bios Version and Manufacturer properties in the Available list and click Add. After you add all columns, click Apply.

Select Columns

  1. Click Preview.

The report will open in a pop-up browser window.

Custom Data Report

Saving Reports

You can save the configured report for further use. To do that:

  1. Click Save to.
  2. In the Save Report window, specify the report name and description.
  3. Click Save.

If you want to open the report after saving, click Save and navigate to the saved report.

Save VM Report

Page updated 1/4/2024

Page content applies to build