Tools for Licensing and Usage Reporting

Veeam offers two key solutions to manage licenses, usage reports, and customer onboarding:

  • Veeam Service Provider Console is a free Veeam product that snaps onto most Veeam solutions, offering customer onboarding, centralized license management, and automated usage reporting to capture accurate information across customer installations. By using built-in VCSP Pulse plug-in, it allows self-service license management for a partner as well as the service reseller added to the console. License management includes cutting and assigning individual licenses to customers, remote license installation, changing license settings (the number of workloads and the expiration date), and revoking process.
  • VCSP Pulse is a part of ProPartner portal that offers service providers access to the license configuration, submitting monthly usage reports and more. Now, service providers can cut individual customer licenses, keep licenses up to date and up to size, and interface with Veeam and their Aggregator for monthly reporting and billing. Access to VCSP Pulse is granted after a VCSP partner signs a rental agreement with a Veeam Aggregator.