Initial Contract Terms and Grace Periods
If you started using SaaS rental licensing for the first time, consider the following:
- Usage grace period. Regardless of your agreement terms, there is no grace period. License usage is charged from the balance starting from the first day of your rental agreement. For example, if you sign an agreement on April 5, 2024, you will be charged for April usage. Your first bill will be on May 1.
- License end date for No Commit Rental Agreements. Regardless of your agreement terms, your license start date corresponds to the start of your contract, not to the start of your billing terms. For No Commit Rental Agreements, your initial license end date is 2.5 months after your contract start date, offering more time to install your new licenses and start building your Veeam-powered services. Then, your license expiration will extend by 30 days every time your monthly usage report is processed by your Aggregator and Veeam.