Rental Agreements and Licensing Terms
The rental program offers two licensing term options, unlocking different contract lengths:
- No Commit Rental Agreements offer limited contract terms to use Veeam rental products for 75 days. Each month that you report rental usage to Veeam, the license files are extended an additional 30 days. With regular reporting and payments, no-commit partners enjoy the full flexibility of Veeam licensing portability.
- Volume Rental Agreements (VRAs) offer longer licensing terms in exchange for a minimum commitment each month. Pricing and benefits are reflective of the level of minimum commitment per month. As an example, a partner may wish to commit to 200 points of consumption across Veeam installations. License keys remain active for the contract length and can be extended in conjunction with a VRA extension or upgrade.
To cut rental license files, you can use Veeam Service Provider Console or VCSP Pulse. For more information, see Tools for Licensing and Usage Reporting.
To make sure that license files remain active and co-termed with your rental agreement, enable the Automatic License Key Update in all installations.