
Short Description

Adds Azure Blob Storage to the Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 infrastructure.


This cmdlet provides parameter sets that allow you to:

  • Add Azure Blob Storage with the default retention period.

Add-VBOAzureBlobRepository [-ImmutabilityPeriodDays <Int32>] [-IgnoreProxyPoolApplianceAccessValidation] -ObjectStorageSettings <VBOAzureBlobObjectStorageRepository> [-ObjectStorageEncryptionKey <VBOEncryptionKey>] [-SyncNow] [-SizeLimit <UInt64>] [-EnableImmutability] [-EnableImmutabilityGovernanceMode] [-Proxy <VBOProxy>] [-ProxyPool <VBOProxyPool>] -Name <String> [-Description <String>] [-RetentionType <VBORetentionType>] [-Force] [<CommonParameters>]

  • Add Azure Blob Storage. The retention period set to years and retention policy applied daily.

Add-VBOAzureBlobRepository [-ImmutabilityPeriodDays <Int32>] [-IgnoreProxyPoolApplianceAccessValidation] -ObjectStorageSettings <VBOAzureBlobObjectStorageRepository> -RetentionPeriod <VBORetentionPeriod> -RetentionFrequencyType <VBORetentionFrequencyType> -DailyTime <TimeSpan> -DailyType <VBODailyType> [-ObjectStorageEncryptionKey <VBOEncryptionKey>] [-SyncNow] [-SizeLimit <UInt64>] [-EnableImmutability] [-EnableImmutabilityGovernanceMode] [-Proxy <VBOProxy>] [-ProxyPool <VBOProxyPool>] -Name <String> [-Description <String>] [-RetentionType <VBORetentionType>] [-Force] [<CommonParameters>]

  • Add Azure Blob Storage with the custom retention period. Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 applies the retention policy daily.

Add-VBOAzureBlobRepository [-ImmutabilityPeriodDays <Int32>] [-IgnoreProxyPoolApplianceAccessValidation] -ObjectStorageSettings <VBOAzureBlobObjectStorageRepository> -CustomRetentionPeriodType <VBORetentionPeriodType> -CustomRetentionPeriod <Int32> -RetentionFrequencyType <VBORetentionFrequencyType> -DailyTime <TimeSpan> -DailyType <VBODailyType> [-ObjectStorageEncryptionKey <VBOEncryptionKey>] [-SyncNow] [-SizeLimit <UInt64>] [-EnableImmutability] [-EnableImmutabilityGovernanceMode] [-Proxy <VBOProxy>][-ProxyPool <VBOProxyPool>] -Name <String> [-Description <String>] [-RetentionType <VBORetentionType>] [-Force] [<CommonParameters>]

  • Add Azure Blob Storage. The retention period set to years and retention policy applied monthly.

Add-VBOAzureBlobRepository [-ImmutabilityPeriodDays <Int32>] [-IgnoreProxyPoolApplianceAccessValidation] -ObjectStorageSettings <VBOAzureBlobObjectStorageRepository> -RetentionPeriod <VBORetentionPeriod> -RetentionFrequencyType <VBORetentionFrequencyType> -MonthlyTime <TimeSpan> -MonthlyDayNumber <VBOMonthlyDayNumber> -MonthlyDayOfWeek <DayOfWeek> [-ObjectStorageEncryptionKey <VBOEncryptionKey>] [-SyncNow] [-SizeLimit <UInt64>] [-EnableImmutability] [-EnableImmutabilityGovernanceMode] [-Proxy <VBOProxy>] [-ProxyPool <VBOProxyPool>] -Name <String> [-Description <String>] [-RetentionType <VBORetentionType>] [-Force] [<CommonParameters>]

  • Add Azure Blob Storage with the custom retention period. Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 applies the retention policy monthly.

Add-VBOAzureBlobRepository [-ImmutabilityPeriodDays <Int32>] [-IgnoreProxyPoolApplianceAccessValidation] -ObjectStorageSettings <VBOAzureBlobObjectStorageRepository> -CustomRetentionPeriodType <VBORetentionPeriodType> -CustomRetentionPeriod <Int32> -RetentionFrequencyType <VBORetentionFrequencyType> -MonthlyTime <TimeSpan> -MonthlyDayNumber <VBOMonthlyDayNumber> -MonthlyDayOfWeek <DayOfWeek> [-ObjectStorageEncryptionKey <VBOEncryptionKey>] [-SyncNow] [-SizeLimit <UInt64>] [-EnableImmutability] [-EnableImmutabilityGovernanceMode] [-Proxy <VBOProxy>] [-ProxyPool <VBOProxyPool>] -Name <String> [-Description <String>] [-RetentionType <VBORetentionType>] [-Force] [<CommonParameters>]

Detailed Description

This cmdlet adds a backup repository of the Azure Blob object storage type, in particular — Azure Blob Storage Hot/Cool access tiers, to the Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 infrastructure. Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 uses backup repositories as storage systems for backups and backup copies created for Microsoft 365 and on-premises Microsoft organizations. Every backup repository has the retention policy that defines how long you want to keep backups on a backup repository.

You can specify the following retention policy settings:

  • Retention period to specify how long you want to keep data on a backup repository. You can set the period to years, months or days.
  • Retention policy schedule to specify the day and time when Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 must check the backup repository and remove the outdated backups. You can set the schedule to daily or monthly.
  • Retention policy type to set it to Item-level or to snapshot-based types.

For more information on retention policy, see the Retention Policy section of the Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 User Guide.







Accept Pipeline Input


Specifies the number of days when your data will be blocked for deletion or modification.

Note: If you set the null or 0 value, data will be blocked for deletion or modification for the same period as the retention period.






Defines that the cmdlet will ignore check whether backup proxy servers that belong to the specified backup proxy pool can access the archiver appliance.

Default: False






Specifies the Azure Blob Storage settings.

Accepts the VBOAzureBlobObjectStorageRepository object.

To get this object, run the New-VBOAzureBlobObjectStorageSettings cmdlet.





Specifies object storage encryption key. Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 will encrypt data that is saved to this object storage.

Accepts the VBOEncryptionKey object.

To get this object, run the Get-VBOEncryptionKey cmdlet.





Defines that the cmdlet will start to synchronize cache between the object storage repository and the PersistentCache database on the PostgreSQL instance.

Default: False






Specifies a soft limit in GB for the object storage repository consumption that can be exceeded temporarily. If the specified limit is exceeded, Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 will not run a new job.

Permitted values: 1024–1073741824.

Default: 1024

Note: In PowerShell you can specify a soft limit in GB only.






Defines that the cmdlet will add the object storage repository to the Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 infrastructure with the immutability feature enabled. Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 allows you to prohibit deletion of data from the object storage repository by making that data temporarily immutable and to protect data against malware activity.

For more information about the immutability feature, see the Immutability section of the Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 User Guide.

Default: False






Defines that a retention policy will be unlocked on the Azure container and a storage administrator with specific permissions to be allowed to override the lock settings and to delete the protected backups in the object storage repository added by the cmdlet.

Default: False






Specifies a backup proxy server. The cmdlet will map a new Azure Blob Storage to this backup proxy server.

Accepts the VBOProxy object.

To get this object, run the Get-VBOProxy cmdlet.





Specifies a backup proxy pool. The cmdlet will map a new Azure Blob Storage to this backup proxy pool.

Accepts the VBOProxyPool object.

To get this object, run the Get-VBOProxyPool cmdlet.





Specifies a name of Azure Blob Storage. The cmdlet will add an object storage repository with this name.






Specifies a description of Azure Blob Storage. The cmdlet will add an object storage repository with this description.

The default description contains information on the user who added the object storage repository, date and time when the object storage repository was added.






Specifies a type of retention policy. You can set either of the following types:

  • ItemLevel
  • SnapshotBased

Default: SnapshotBased






Defines that the cmdlet will add the object storage repository to the Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 infrastructure without notifying the user.

Default: False






Specifies the retention period in years. Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 will remove items from the object storage repository once this period is passed. You can set either of the following periods:

  • Year1
  • Years2
  • Years3
  • Years5
  • Years7
  • Years10
  • Years25
  • KeepForever

Default: Years3

Note: Apply the CustomRetentionPeriodType parameter to set the retention period in months or days.






Specifies retention policy schedule. Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 will check the object storage repository and will remove the outdated backups according to this schedule. You can set either of the following types of schedule:

  • Daily: to check and remove the outdated backups once a day.
    Set the DailyTime and DailyType parameters to specify the daily retention policy schedule.
  • Monthly: to check and remove the outdated backups once a month.
    Set the MonthlyTime, MonthlyDayNumber and MonthlyDayOfWeek parameters to specify the monthly retention policy schedule.

Default: Daily






For daily retention policy schedule.

Specifies the time of the day when Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 must apply the retention policy.

Default: 00:00:00






For daily retention policy schedule.

Specifies the days when Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 must apply the retention policy:

  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Everyday
  • Workdays
  • Weekends

Default: Everyday






For monthly retention policy schedule.

Specifies the time of the day when Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 must apply the retention policy.

Default: 18:00:00






For monthly retention policy schedule.

Specifies the order number for the day of the week when Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 must apply the retention policy.

  • First
  • Second
  • Third
  • Fourth
  • Last

Default: First






For monthly retention policy schedule.

Specifies the day of the week when Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 must apply the retention policy.

  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday

Default: Monday






Specifies a type of custom retention period. Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 will remove items from the object storage repository once this period is passed. You can set the custom retention period to either of the following types:

  • Months
  • Days

Set the CustomRetentionPeriod parameter to specify the number of days or the number of months.






For the CustomRetentionPeriodType option.

Specifies the retention period to keep data on the object storage repository. The retention period is defined according to the CustomRetentionPeriod settings:

  • Sets the retention period to the number of months if the CustomRetentionPeriodType parameter is set to Months.
  • Sets the retention period to the number of days if the CustomRetentionPeriodType parameter is set to Days.

Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 will remove items from the object storage repository once this period is passed.






This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information on common parameters, see the About CommonParameters section of Microsoft Docs.

Output Object

The cmdlet returns the VBOAzureBlobRepository object that contains settings of Azure Blob Storage.


Add-VBOAzureBlobRepositoryExample 1. Adding Azure Blob Storage with Default Retention Policy Period

This example shows how to add the Azure Blob Storage object storage repository. The retention type is set to snapshot-based.

$proxy = Get-VBOProxy -Hostname support.north.local

$account = Get-VBOAzureBlobAccount -Id 26e61916-0257-4a05-8f65-204628d2ed7a

$connection = New-VBOAzureBlobConnectionSettings -Account $account -RegionType Global

$container = Get-VBOAzureBlobContainer -ConnectionSettings $connection -Name "ContainerName"

$folder = Get-VBOAzureBlobFolder -Container $container -Name "FolderName"

$settings = New-VBOAzureBlobObjectStorageSettings -Folder $folder

Add-VBOAzureBlobRepository -Proxy $proxy -Name "Azure Blob Storage" -Description "Backup" -RetentionType SnapshotBased -ObjectStorageSettings $settings

Perform the following steps:

  1. Run the Get-VBOProxy cmdlet. Specify the Hostname parameter value. Save the result to the $proxy variable.
  2. Run the Get-VBOAzureBlobAccount cmdlet. Specify the Id parameter value. Save the result to the $account variable.
  3. Run the New-VBOAzureBlobConnectionSettings cmdlet. Set the $account variable as the Account parameter value. Specify the RegionType parameter value. Save the result to the $connection variable.
  4. Run the Get-VBOAzureBlobContainer cmdlet. Set the $connection variable as the ConnectionSettings parameter value. Specify the Name parameter value. Save the result to the $container variable.
  5. Run the Get-VBOAzureBlobFolder cmdlet. Set the $container variable as the Container parameter value. Specify the Name parameter value. Save the result to the $folder variable.
  6. Run the New-VBOAzureBlobObjectStorageSettings cmdlet. Set the $folder variable as the Folder parameter value. Save the result to the $settings variable.
  7. Run the Add-VBOAzureBlobRepository cmdlet. Specify the following settings:
  • Set the $proxy variable as the Proxy parameter value.
  • Specify the Name parameter value.
  • Specify the Description parameter value.
  • Set SnapshotBased as the RetentionType parameter value.
  • Set the $settings variable as the ObjectStorageSettings parameter value.

Add-VBOAzureBlobRepositoryExample 2. Adding Azure Blob Storage with Yearly Retention Period [Policy Applied Daily]

This example shows how to add the Azure Blob Storage object storage repository.

The retention settings will be the following:

  • The retention period is set to 1 year.
  • Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 will check the object storage repository and remove the outdated backups daily at 3:00 PM.
  • The retention type is item-level.

$proxy = Get-VBOProxy -Id d96f55a4-d15d-410b-b0f0-d51d17ccdab6

$account = Get-VBOAzureBlobAccount -Id 26e61916-0257-4a05-8f65-204628d2ed7a

$connection = New-VBOAzureBlobConnectionSettings -Account $account -RegionType Global

$container = Get-VBOAzureBlobContainer -ConnectionSettings $connection -Name "ContainerName"

$folder = Get-VBOAzureBlobFolder -Container $container -Name "FolderName"

$settings = New-VBOAzureBlobObjectStorageSettings -Folder $folder

Add-VBOAzureBlobRepository -Proxy $proxy -Name "Azure Blob Storage" -RetentionPeriod Year1 -RetentionFrequencyType Daily -DailyTime 15:00:00 -DailyType Everyday -Description "Daily Backup" -RetentionType ItemLevel -ObjectStorageSettings $settings

Perform the following steps:

  1. Run the Get-VBOProxy cmdlet. Specify the Id parameter value. Save the result to the $proxy variable.
  2. Run the Get-VBOAzureBlobAccount cmdlet. Specify the Id parameter value. Save the result to the $account variable.
  3. Run the New-VBOAzureBlobConnectionSettings cmdlet. Set the $account variable as the Account parameter value. Specify the RegionType parameter value. Save the result to the $connection variable.
  4. Run the Get-VBOAzureBlobContainer cmdlet. Set the $connection variable as the ConnectionSettings parameter value. Specify the Name parameter value. Save the result to the $container variable.
  5. Run the Get-VBOAzureBlobFolder cmdlet. Set the $container variable as the Container parameter value. Specify the Name parameter value. Save the result to the $folder variable.
  6. Run the New-VBOAzureBlobObjectStorageSettings cmdlet. Set the $folder variable as the Folder parameter value. Save the result to the $settings variable.
  7. Run the Add-VBOAzureBlobRepository cmdlet. Specify the following settings:
  • Set the $proxy variable as the Proxy parameter value.
  • Specify the Name parameter value.
  • Set Year1 as the RetentionPeriod parameter value.
  • Set Daily as the RetentionFrequencyType parameter value.
  • Set 15:00:00 as the DailyTime parameter value.
  • Set Everyday as the DailyType parameter value.
  • Specify the Description parameter value.
  • Set ItemLevel as the RetentionType parameter value.
  • Set the $settings variable as the ObjectStorageSettings parameter value.

Add-VBOAzureBlobRepositoryExample 3. Adding Azure Blob Storage with Yearly Retention Period [Policy Applied Monthly]

This example shows how to add the Azure Blob Storage object storage repository.

The retention settings will be the following:

  • The retention period is 2 years.
  • Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 will check the object storage repository and remove the outdated backups every last Sunday at 2:00 PM.
  • The retention type is snapshot-based.

$proxy = Get-VBOProxy -Hostname support.south.local

$account = Get-VBOAzureBlobAccount -Id 26e61916-0257-4a05-8f65-204628d2ed7a

$connection = New-VBOAzureBlobConnectionSettings -Account $account -RegionType Global

$container = Get-VBOAzureBlobContainer -ConnectionSettings $connection -Name "ContainerName"

$folder = Get-VBOAzureBlobFolder -Container $container -Name "FolderName"

$settings = New-VBOAzureBlobObjectStorageSettings -Folder $folder

Add-VBOAzureBlobRepository -Proxy $proxy -Name "Azure Blob Storage" -RetentionPeriod Year2 -RetentionFrequencyType Monthly -MonthlyTime 14:00:00 -MonthlyDayNumber Last -MonthlyDayOfWeek Sunday -Description "Monthly Backup" -RetentionType SnapshotBased -ObjectStorageSettings $settings

Perform the following steps:

  1. Run the Get-VBOProxy cmdlet. Specify the Hostname parameter value. Save the result to the $proxy variable.
  2. Run the Get-VBOAzureBlobAccount cmdlet. Specify the Id parameter value. Save the result to the $account variable.
  3. Run the New-VBOAzureBlobConnectionSettings cmdlet. Set the $account variable as the Account parameter value. Specify the RegionType parameter value. Save the result to the $connection variable.
  4. Run the Get-VBOAzureBlobContainer cmdlet. Set the $connection variable as the ConnectionSettings parameter value. Specify the Name parameter value. Save the result to the $container variable.
  5. Run the Get-VBOAzureBlobFolder cmdlet. Set the $container variable as the Container parameter value. Specify the Name parameter value. Save the result to the $folder variable.
  6. Run the New-VBOAzureBlobObjectStorageSettings cmdlet. Set the $folder variable as the Folder parameter value. Save the result to the $settings variable.
  7. Run the Add-VBOAzureBlobRepository cmdlet. Specify the following settings:
  • Set the $proxy variable as the Proxy parameter value.
  • Specify the Name parameter value.
  • Set Years2 as the RetentionPeriod parameter value.
  • Set Monthly as the RetentionFrequencyType parameter value.
  • Set 14:00:00 as the MonthlyTime parameter value.
  • Set Last as the MonthlyDayNumber parameter value.
  • Set Sunday as the MonthlyDayOfWeek parameter value.
  • Specify the Description parameter value.
  • Set SnapshotBased as the RetentionType parameter value.
  • Set the $settings variable as the ObjectStorageSettings parameter value.

Add-VBOAzureBlobRepositoryExample 4. Adding Azure Blob Storage with Custom Retention period [Policy Applied Daily]

This example shows how to add the Azure Blob Storage object storage repository.

The retention settings will be the following:

  • The retention period is 3 months.
  • Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 will check the object storage repository and remove the outdated backups daily at 12:00 PM.
  • The retention type is snapshot-based.

$proxy = Get-VBOProxy -Id d96f55a4-d15d-410b-b0f0-d51d17ccdab6

$account = Get-VBOAzureBlobAccount -Id 26e61916-0257-4a05-8f65-204628d2ed7a

$connection = New-VBOAzureBlobConnectionSettings -Account $account -RegionType Global

$container = Get-VBOAzureBlobContainer -ConnectionSettings $connection -Name "ContainerName"

$folder = Get-VBOAzureBlobFolder -Container $container -Name "FolderName"

$settings = New-VBOAzureBlobObjectStorageSettings -Folder $folder

Add-VBOAzureBlobRepository -Proxy $proxy -Name "Azure Blob Storage" -CustomRetentionPeriodType Months -CustomRetentionPeriod 3 -RetentionFrequencyType Daily -DailyTime 12:00:00 -DailyType Workdays -Description "Daily Backup" -RetentionType SnapshotBased -ObjectStorageSettings $settings

Perform the following steps:

  1. Run the Get-VBOProxy cmdlet. Specify the Id parameter value. Save the result to the $proxy variable.
  2. Run the Get-VBOAzureBlobAccount cmdlet. Specify the Id parameter value. Save the result to the $account variable.
  3. Run the New-VBOAzureBlobConnectionSettings cmdlet. Set the $account variable as the Account parameter value. Specify the RegionType parameter value. Save the result to the $connection variable.
  4. Run the Get-VBOAzureBlobContainer cmdlet. Set the $connection variable as the ConnectionSettings parameter value. Specify the Name parameter value. Save the result to the $container variable.
  5. Run the Get-VBOAzureBlobFolder cmdlet. Set the $container variable as the Container parameter value. Specify the Name parameter value. Save the result to the $folder variable.
  6. Run the New-VBOAzureBlobObjectStorageSettings cmdlet. Set the $folder variable as the Folder parameter value. Save the result to the $settings variable.
  7. Run the Add-VBOAzureBlobRepository cmdlet. Specify the following settings:
  • Set the $proxy variable as the Proxy parameter value.
  • Specify the Name parameter value.
  • Set Months as the CustomRetentionPeriodType parameter value.
  • Set 3 as the CustomRetentionPeriod parameter value.
  • Set Daily as the RetentionFrequencyType parameter value.
  • Set 12:00:00 as the DailyTime parameter value.
  • Set Workdays as the DailyType parameter value.
  • Specify the Description parameter value.
  • Set SnapshotBased as the RetentionType parameter value.
  • Set the $settings variable as the ObjectStorageSettings parameter value.

Add-VBOAzureBlobRepositoryExample 5. Adding Azure Blob Storage with Custom Retention period [Policy Applied Monthly]

This example shows how to add the Azure Blob Storage object storage repository.

The retention settings will be the following:

  • The retention period is 7 days.
  • Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 will check the object storage repository and remove the outdated backups every first Monday at 8:00 AM.
  • The retention type is item-level.

$proxy = Get-VBOProxy -Hostname support.west.local

$account = Get-VBOAzureBlobAccount -Id 26e61916-0257-4a05-8f65-204628d2ed7a

$connection = New-VBOAzureBlobConnectionSettings -Account $account -RegionType Global

$container = Get-VBOAzureBlobContainer -ConnectionSettings $connection -Name "ContainerName"

$folder = Get-VBOAzureBlobFolder -Container $container -Name "FolderName"

$settings = New-VBOAzureBlobObjectStorageSettings -Folder $folder

Add-VBOAzureBlobRepository -Proxy $proxy -Name "Azure Blob Storage" -CustomRetentionPeriodType Days -CustomRetentionPeriod 7 -RetentionFrequencyType Monthly -MonthlyTime 08:00:00 -MonthlyDayNumber First -MonthlyDayOfWeek Monday -Description "Monthly Backup" -RetentionType ItemLevel -ObjectStorageSettings $settings

Perform the following steps:

  1. Run the Get-VBOProxy cmdlet. Specify the Hostname parameter value. Save the result to the $proxy variable.
  2. Run the Get-VBOAzureBlobAccount cmdlet. Specify the Id parameter value. Save the result to the $account variable.
  3. Run the New-VBOAzureBlobConnectionSettings cmdlet. Set the $account variable as the Account parameter value. Specify the RegionType parameter value. Save the result to the $connection variable.
  4. Run the Get-VBOAzureBlobContainer cmdlet. Set the $connection variable as the ConnectionSettings parameter value. Specify the Name parameter value. Save the result to the $container variable.
  5. Run the Get-VBOAzureBlobFolder cmdlet. Set the $container variable as the Container parameter value. Specify the Name parameter value. Save the result to the $folder variable.
  6. Run the New-VBOAzureBlobObjectStorageSettings cmdlet. Set the $folder variable as the Folder parameter value. Save the result to the $settings variable.
  7. Run the Add-VBOAzureBlobRepository cmdlet. Specify the following settings:
  • Set the $proxy variable as the Proxy parameter value.
  • Specify the Name parameter value.
  • Set Days as the CustomRetentionPeriodType parameter value.
  • Set 7 as the CustomRetentionPeriod parameter value.
  • Set Monthly as the RetentionFrequencyType parameter value.
  • Set 08:00:00 as the MonthlyTime parameter value.
  • Set First as the MonthlyDayNumber parameter value.
  • Set Monday as the MonthlyDayOfWeek parameter value.
  • Specify the Description parameter value.
  • Set ItemLevel as the RetentionType parameter value.
  • Set the $settings variable as the ObjectStorageSettings parameter value.

Related Commands

Page updated 9/13/2024

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