This is an archive version of the document. To get the most up-to-date information, see the current version.

CPU Performance Chart

The CPU chart displays historical statistics on CPU utilization for the selected infrastructure object.

 CPU Performance Chart


The following table provides information on predefined views and counters that apply to hosts.

Chat View


Measurement Unit


CPU Usage

CPU Usage


Actively used CPU of the host, as a percentage of total available CPU.

CPU Usage MHz


Sum of actively used CPU of all powered on VMs on the host.

CPU Bottlenecks

Average CPU Ready


Average CPU Ready value for all VMs on the host.

Virtual Machine

The following table provides information on predefined views and counters that apply to virtual machines.

Chat View


Measurement Unit


CPU Usage

CPU Usage


Amount of actively used virtual CPU resources, as a percentage of total available CPU (this is the host’s view, not the guest OS view).

CPU usage MHz


Amount of actively used virtual CPU resources (this is the host’s view, not the guest OS view).

CPU Bottlenecks

Average CPU Idle All Cores


Percent of time all CPU cores spent in an idle state.

Average CPU Ready All Cores


Average CPU Ready value across all cores of the virtual machine on the host.

Average CPU Standstill All Cores


Percent of time all CPU cores spent in a standstill state.

Average CPU Wait All Cores


Time spent waiting for hardware or VMKernel lock thread locks.

CPU Co-Stop All Cores


Time the VM was ready to run but was unable due to co-scheduling constraints.

For objects that are parent to ESX(i) hosts and VMs, Veeam ONE displays rollup values.
Charts for folders, clusters, datacenters, vCenter Servers display rollup values for all hosts in the container. Charts for resource pools display rollup values for all VMs in the resource pool.